Author Topic: Analog/Asimovs Ballots and others  (Read 4323 times)


  • Hipparch
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on: January 29, 2012, 06:45:40 AM
Does anyone else intend, or has anyone already voted in the Asimov's or Analog reader polls for this year.  I've been thinking about it while agonizing over the Escape Artists' polls, and I was wondering if anyone has read enough of the relevant stories that they'd be willing to discuss it with me?

For example, I'm seriously considering writing "No Awards" for the Analog Novellas this year.  I probably liked Adam-Troy Castro's "With Unclean Hands" the best, but I don't see it as particularly award-worthy.  Maybe because I'm implicitly comparing it to the Novellas in Asimov's (Man Who Bridged the Mist, Kiss Me Twice, The Choice), Clarkesworld (Silently and Very Fast), and various anthologies and it just doesn't hold up at all to the competition.  Does anyone else feel the same way?

Am I the only one so retro that I still read half my fiction on dead trees?  If not, help me figure out Asimov's Novella rankings and what Short Stories and Novelettes you like best!

Even if nobody sees this until after the poll closes, I still want to know.


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Reply #1 on: January 30, 2012, 03:59:06 PM
I didn't even know there were polls. I should go see how my story is doing.

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  • Peltast
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Reply #2 on: January 30, 2012, 07:10:26 PM
I didn't even know there were polls. I should go see how my story is doing.

You'll see that when the results are out.
I have read all stories from Analog. There really isn't option of voting for "no award" in those polls, as the voting system isn't similar to Hugo-awards.
By chance I cast my votes about an hour ago:


1 With Unclean Hands • novella by Adam-Troy Castro
2 Coordinated Attacks • novella by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
3 Hiding Place • novella by Adam-Troy Castro


1 Ellipses . . . • novelette by Ron Collins
2 The Impossibles • novelette by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
3 Jak and the Beanstalk • novelette by Richard A. Lovett

Short story

1 The Bullfrog Radio Astronomy Project • shortstory by Brad R. Torgersen
2. Julie is Three • shortstory by Craig DeLancey
3. Taboo • shortstory by Jerry Oltion


  • Hipparch
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Reply #3 on: February 01, 2012, 05:31:42 AM
Well, I didn't get all the Analog stories read (although I completed Asimov's!) but here were my ballots for the year:


Best Novella:
1: Kiss Me Twice—Mary Robinette Kowal
2: The Man Who Bridged the Mist—Kij Johnson
3: The Choice—Paul McAuley

Best Novelette:
1: Purple—Robert Reed
2: “I Was Nearly Your Mother”—Ian Creasey
3: The Cold Step Beyond—Ian R. MacLeod

Best Short Story:
1: Movement—Nancy Fulda
2: The Countable—Ken Liu
3: Danilo—Carol Emshwiller
(Sorry Listener, you had some mighty tough competition in this category.  I did like your story though.)

Best Poetry:
1: E—R.M. Kaye
2: Black Hole—William John Watkins
3: Gene’s Dreams—Joe Haldeman

Best Cover:
1: October/November (for “The Man Who Bridged the Mist”)—Paul Youll
2: April/May (for “The Day the Wires Came Down”)—Benjamin Carre
3: February (for “The Choice”)—Paul Youll


1. With Unclean Hands - Adam-Troy Castro
2. Tower of Worlds - Rajnar Vajra
3. The First Day of Eternity - Domingo Santos

1. The Boneless One - Alec Nevala-Lee
2. Therapeutic Mathematics and the Physics of Curve Balls - Gray Rinehart
3. Jak and the Beanstalk - Richard A. Lovett

Short Stories
1. Some of Them Closer - Marissa K. Lingen
2. Julie is Three - Craig Delancey
3. Bournee and the Apes - Ian McHugh

Science Fact
1. Smart SETI - Gregory and James Benford
2.  So Long, Proxima Centauri - Kevin Walsh
3.  Before You Get to String Theroy - C.W. Johnson

1. December
2. January/February
3. May


  • Peltast
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Reply #4 on: February 01, 2012, 06:14:08 PM
Interesting.  :)
Our lists partly overlap, but I have scored some of stories from your list clearly below average.  Tastes differ.  :)


  • Hipparch
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Reply #5 on: February 01, 2012, 07:42:20 PM
What's most interesting is that Jak and the Beanstalk and Julie is Three fit into the same places in our lists, despite those other places being different.

If you're talking about the Novellas, I didn't really like any of them aside from "With Unclean Hands" (which I'd call above-average-but-not-great), but I got a few chuckles out of Vajra's story while Rusch and the other Angela Cort story actively pissed me off.  I didn't like Santos' story all that much, but I want to encourage more translations in Analog, and as I said, I actively disliked the other two options.  On a stronger year, Santos and Vajra would not have made my ballot.

In the short stories, I like Oltion in general, but I have a hard time voting for him for anything, because I read his 8 stories for the year in 10 minutes each, chuckle a bit, and then forget which was which.  And the problem is, I think if I can't really differentiate your stories, I'm not going to vote for you, even if I enjoyed them.

I did enjoy Bullfrog Radio Astronomy for the first 2/3, (especially the FCC angle) but the climax felt way over-the-top and sort of ruined the story for me.  It was a somewhat comedic story, but I felt the ending was somehow taking itself too seriously and a bit nonsensical.

Analog Novelettes were the one category I didn't get to finish reading before it was time to vote, and I didn't get to either of the stories you mentioned.  But I absolutely loved Boneless one, and I almost voted for Kawataro as well, but I read Therapeutic Mathematics at the last minute and it had to go on the ballot.

Honestly, I'm surprised I voted for Lovett, I tend to find him a bit overrated, but I really liked how Jak and the Beanstalk played out, especially the ending.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 07:44:53 PM by Umbrageofsnow »


  • Peltast
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Reply #6 on: February 02, 2012, 08:25:14 PM
I enjoyed the writing of "the Boneless Ones", but the total stupidity of the science in it turned me off. A same virus infecting both invertebrate and mammals causing similar symptoms? WTF?

"The First Day of Eternity" had more than a few similar issues with extremely stupid scientific errors.

... just heard the weather report - weather here is slightly warming up for a weekend, but tomorrow will be about -28 centigrades / -19 fahrenheit...
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 09:13:02 AM by tpi »