Author Topic: Great wacky music tonight!  (Read 2857 times)


  • Matross
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on: March 15, 2008, 07:30:54 PM
Tonight at 8:00 pm Pacific, one of my favorite local Seattle bands is doing an in-studio set at the fantastic Seattle music station KEXP.  The band is called "Awesome," and they live up to (maybe even exceed) their name.  They're fun, funny, eclectic, musically interesting, and just a really fun act.  If you're in the Seattle area and near a radio (90.3 FM), or anywhere else and near a computer (, it'll be well worth listening to.  If you listen, let me know what you think of them.


  • High Priest of TCoRN
  • Hipparch
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Reply #1 on: March 15, 2008, 08:28:27 PM
Thanks for the heads up on a good band.
I'm no where near Seattle, but they have a website ( where you can listen to some of their stuff.

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