Episode 234: Why I’m Asking For An Extension On My Paper by Jennifer Hykes• Narrated by
Dani Daly• Audio production by
Jeremy Carter•
A Cast of Wonders original!Jennifer Hykes has previously had stories appear in
Betwixt, Abyss & Apex, PodCastle, and
Apex Magazine. She lives with her husband and two cats just outside of Pittsburgh, PA. She is fairly certain that the cats are not enchanted princes, but it is sometimes hard to tell with these things.
Your narrator is our own assistant editor, community manager, and flash fiction contest runner
Dani Daly. You can follow her on
Twitter or say hello here at the EA forum.
Hi, Professor Brandt? It's me, Lauren, from your morning lecture? I know this call is really last minute, and I know you don't normally grant extensions for "anything short of the apocalypse," but would you be willing to make an exception? Friday's storm knocked out my power. My computer went offline literally as I sat down to type! And then the zombies surrounded the house, and between them and the genie and little girls crash-landing on my roof and my housemate's crazy cat making a general nuisance of himself, my weekend was pretty much shot.
Wait, let me back up.Click here to listen to Episode 234Click here to read the text of the storyTags: apocalypse, Cast of Wonders, cat, cooperation, Dani Daly, epistolary, fairy, homework, Jennifer Hykes, Jeremy Carter, letter, prince, school, Young Adult fiction, zombies
February is
Women in Horror Month, an international, grassroots initiative, which encourages supporters to learn about and showcase the underrepresented work of women in the horror industries. Whether they are on the screen, behind the scenes, or contributing in their other various artistic ways, it is clear that women love, appreciate, and contribute to the horror genre. Check out the hashtag
WiHM8 for plenty of suggestions. Or if you have the stomach for stronger fair, our sister show
You can find all our own Women in Horror episodes