Here I am, saying hello! Looking forward to reading and voting.
Quote from: Cutter McKay on July 03, 2017, 01:57:35 PMQuote from: Schrodingrr on June 30, 2017, 08:10:09 PMCutter! Good to see you again too! Your critiques are always spot-on. Aww, thanks Schrodingrr. You sure know how to make a guy feel welcome at home. Quote from: benjaminjb on July 01, 2017, 08:13:53 PMCutter, how have you been?I'm good, Ben. Busy. You know, work, school, wife 'n kids, getting ready to move, job hunting, entering a flash fiction contest that I have no time for... the usual. What's new with you? And you're right, there are a LOT of new faces this time around, which is exciting. Anyone know if any of the other old-timers are playing along this time? Listener, FireTurtle, MCWagner, etc? (I know Varda and JKJones did not get stories ready in time, but they're moving cross-country, so it's understandable.)I'm here!!! *waving madly*Got my story in with only a few days to go. Dealing with a toddler has wrecked my usual uber-early timeline.
Quote from: Schrodingrr on June 30, 2017, 08:10:09 PMCutter! Good to see you again too! Your critiques are always spot-on. Aww, thanks Schrodingrr. You sure know how to make a guy feel welcome at home. Quote from: benjaminjb on July 01, 2017, 08:13:53 PMCutter, how have you been?I'm good, Ben. Busy. You know, work, school, wife 'n kids, getting ready to move, job hunting, entering a flash fiction contest that I have no time for... the usual. What's new with you? And you're right, there are a LOT of new faces this time around, which is exciting. Anyone know if any of the other old-timers are playing along this time? Listener, FireTurtle, MCWagner, etc? (I know Varda and JKJones did not get stories ready in time, but they're moving cross-country, so it's understandable.)
Cutter! Good to see you again too! Your critiques are always spot-on.
Cutter, how have you been?
Hi there! *waves*