Episode 253: Single Parent by Sarah GaileyEpisode 283: Single Parent by Sarah Gailey - Staff Pick 2017•
Content Warning: A few early F-bombs• Narrated by
Rish Outfield• Audio production and gust host
Jeremy Carter•
A Cast of Wonders original!•
Read along with the text of the story.•
Click here to listen to Episode 253http://archive.org/download/Wonders253/Wonders253.mp3Hugo and Campbell award finalist
Sarah Gailey is an internationally-published writer of fiction and nonfiction. Her nonfiction has been published by
Mashable and the
Boston Globe, and she is a regular contributor for
Tor.com and Barnes & Noble. Her most recent fiction credits include
Mothership Zeta, Fireside Fiction, and the Speculative Bookshop Anthology. Her debut novella,
River of Teeth, is out now. She has a novel forthcoming from Tor Books in spring 2019. Gailey lives in beautiful Oakland, California with her husband and two scrappy dogs. You can find links to her work at her
website, or follow her on
Rish Outfield can be found regularly at The Dunesteef podcast, which he produces with Big Anklevich, and you can hear him pretty much everywhere in the genre story pod-o-sphere. You can find him
Jeremy Carter has produced audio for the
Dunesteef Audio Fiction magazine,
Far Fetched Fables, the
Journey Into podcast and
StarshipSofa in addition to
Cast of Wonders. By day, he teaches physics and maths in the beautiful Peak District. He is a husband, father,
photographer, cook and very occasional runner. Follow him on
The monster in my son’s closet is so f*$%ing scary.
Here’s what happened: Jack screamed in the middle of the night and I came running because I’m his dad and that’s what dads are for. He’s been doing that for a month -- screaming like someone’s in his room murdering him with a screwdriver. And even though there’s never, not even once been anyone murdering him, I couldn’t just let him scream his little head off all night. If I didn’t come running, his mom would have risen from the grave just to come and slap me upside the headTags: cancer, Cast of Wonders, fathers, grandmothers, grief, Jeremy Carter, loss, Monsters, mothers, nightmares, protection, Rish Outfield, Sarah Gailey, Young Adult fiction