Author Topic: CoW Ep. 262: My Friend Fishfinger by Daisy, age 7  (Read 3827 times)


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on: September 03, 2017, 10:07:12 PM
My Friend Fishfinger by Daisy, age 7

• by David Tallerman
• Narrated by Marguerite Kenner
• Audio production by Jeremy Carter
• Originally published in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine (Issue #30, August 2007)
Read along with the text of the story
Click here to listen to Episode 262

David Tallerman is the author of the YA fantasy series “The Black River Chronicles”, which began in late 2016 with Level One, the Tales of Easie Damasco series, and the novella Patchwerk. His comics work includes the absurdist steampunk graphic novel Endangered Weapon B: Mechanimal Science and the Rosarium miniseries C21st Gods.

David’s short stories have appeared in around eighty markets, including Clarkesworld, Nightmare, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine and Beneath Ceaseless Skies. A number of his best dark fantasy and horror stories (including this one) were included in his debut collection ‘The Sign in the Moonlight and Other Stories.’ You can follow him online and on Twitter.

Fishfinger is my bestest friend in the whole world. And she says I'm her bestest friend too, even though she doesn't have any other friends, but I'm still the best anyway so that's okay.

Her name isn't really Fishfinger, that's just what everybody at school calls her, because they say she smells like fish and she looks a bit like a fish as well. And she does too but I still like her and anyway they all smell too so there. My mommy says it's mean and I should call her her proper name but Fishfinger says she doesn't mind, she does when other kids call her it because they're mean and they don't like her but I'm nice she says and I'm her bestest friend so it's okay. But really her real name is Samantha.

Tags: Cast of Wonders, Dagon, David Tallerman, differences, dreams, friendship, H. P. Lovecraft, Innsmouth, Jeremy Carter, Marguerite Kenner, nicknames, religion, sea, Young Adult fiction

Sandra M. Odell

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Reply #1 on: September 04, 2017, 07:52:03 PM
I giggled through the entire story.  The prose was near spot-on for a precocious 7-year old (and I know plenty), and Marguerite's reading made the whole thing pop.  Kudos all around!


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Reply #2 on: September 05, 2017, 01:38:47 PM
I read this in an anthology and thought it was a lot of fun. I also really like David Tallerman's work. I'm looking forward to listening to it!

All cat stories start with this statement: “My mother, who was the first cat, told me this...”


  • Matross
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Reply #3 on: September 05, 2017, 01:41:50 PM
Man, this was the funniest thing I've read in a long time.


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Reply #4 on: September 12, 2017, 04:09:13 PM
Hilarious! I can see the author fulfilling a fantasy of getting a precocious, constantly chatting without breath, annoying little kid to shut up by imagining feeding her to a fish monster god.


  • Matross
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Reply #5 on: September 12, 2017, 06:43:07 PM
The author told me twice that the story isn't intended to be funny. Now I'm not sure if this is an extended joke or I'm really out of touch.