I'd super appreciate it if everyone voted for my story even though it's not that great, thaaaaaanks. I'm just like all of you, and as I sit here whittling on this bone (could be from an animal, who knows) in my office surrounded by hundreds of photos of people the way normal people have in their offices, I think about how great it would be if my creation won. I'm just a normal, regular guy. I buy my bags of garden lime and pavement-cleaning muriatic acid down at the store with cash like anybody else, so winning would be really, really nice.
So I can't tell you anything about my story (which definitely doesn't involve whittling orbital ridges of animals (those are parts of the sockets that hold eyeballs) aka see shells down by the sea shore) and I'll just have to depend on you all to make the correct decision on your own, so please do not disappoint me.
If you don't mind, it's time to get back to work.