Twice• by
Imaani Cain• Narrated by
Sandra M. Odell• Commentary assistance by
Alasdair Stuart• Audio production by
Jeremy Carter•
A Cast of Wonders original!•
Content Warning: Self harm•
Read along with the text of the story•
Click here to listen to Episode 261Imaani Cain is a writer from the Boston area. Her work has appeared in publications such as
Gone Lawn Journal, Lunch Ticket, and other literary magazines.
‘Twice’is Imaani’s first professional genre sale – congratulations!Sandra M. Odell lives in Washington state with her husband, sons, and a grumpy orange cat. When she’s not imagining fantastic adventures in far away places, she helps run her husband’s game store. She has several previous publications at
Cast of Wonders. You can find out more about her work
online or follow her on
In the beginning, there was a world and the world was Marya.
In every photograph littering my parents’ mantle, there are the two of us, smiling tightly under the heavy gaze of the camera. I am always standing just behind her, my hand cupping her shoulder. She is looking up at me, her own tiny hand reaching up to grasp at mine. Each of us is holding tight enough to be painful: afterwards, when we are finally allowed outside to play, we compare battle wounds. They faded almost instantly but we spent the night recreating them, stifling any winces we might’ve ordinarily made. We created a game out of it, racking up points for endurance and creativity.Tags: Alasdair Stuart, Cast of Wonders, dark, doppleganger, Imaani Cain, Jeremy Carter, mental illness, murder, obsession, Sandra M. Odell, therapy, Young Adult fiction