Author Topic: diary of the dead  (Read 5360 times)


  • Matross
  • ****
  • Posts: 301
on: March 20, 2008, 08:41:28 AM
went to the flicks to chek out mr Romero's latest zombie film, all excited was I and filed with hope that this would be another undead classic. sadly is a big steaming pile of poo

general feel- they have gone for a gritty blare witch approach , which mite have worked well, but then they stick loads of stupid comedy zombie deaths in ,and all the effects are done with shiny shiny CGI. none of it really gels , the thing is a mess and not in a good way

story- non existent, they wander round aimlessly and occasionally get bit (mostly due to there own dim-witted ness)

characters- a selection of cardboard cut-outs devoid of any appeal, there is one promising character but they kill him off 30 secs after his introduction

dialog- at best bland at worst meaningless I quote
"it used to be us verses us, now its us verses them but they are us"

this film is bad, really really bad.
do you’re self a favour and go see juno instead

card carying dislexic and  gramatical revolushonery


  • Lochage
  • *****
  • Posts: 518
  • Molon Labe
Reply #1 on: March 20, 2008, 10:13:41 AM
That sucks.  I've been craving a good zombie flick lately.  I went back and watched 28 weeks later last weekend.  It had the same "meh" factor for story, but the scene where they napalmed (or thermobaric's tough to tell) the zombies was fantastic.  Plus the scene with roof snipers picking off zombies.  Awesome.  I should have watched 28 days though.

Those who would sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither.


  • Matross
  • ****
  • Posts: 301
Reply #2 on: March 20, 2008, 03:49:21 PM
indead 28 days is by far the better film

card carying dislexic and  gramatical revolushonery