Posting a story to your blog now counts as publication, which still feels weird to me, as does posting it on (ie) a fanfic site's original fiction section, or even on a public forum just for feedback (but a private/user-registration-restricted forum is probably okay).
All that said... if you put a CC license on your story, can you then say "it's been published under a CC license on (ie) Josh's Blog of Bloggy Goodness, but nowhere else"? It would still count as a reprint, right? If a journal doesn't accept reprints, would they not reprint the story?
I'm a little murky on it, even after reading Cory Doctorow's thing on CC.
Thinking about it because of Susannah Breslin's recent post:, if I post a story on my LJ but put it in a friends-only area where only certain people (of my choosing) can see it, kind of like an online writing forum, but don't make it publicly available to anyone, does that count as prior publication?