Author Topic: PodCastle Miniature 100: Seven Things That Oughtn’t Cut Me  (Read 2612 times)


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PodCastle Miniature 100: Seven Things That Oughtn’t Cut Me

Author : Jessi Cole Jackson
Narrator : Dagny Paul

Rated R. Content Warning: Self-harm/suicide

They say troll girls appear only in brilliant shades of armored green. Their skin is faceted, unpierceable, and gleams in the sunlight like emeralds. They say we cannot be drab or fragile. They say we cannot bleed.
If only.

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Jessi Cole Jackson lives in the prettiest part of New Jersey (but she’s not from there). By day she builds costumes for a Tony Award-winning theatre, by night she works on an MFA in Children’s Literature at Hollins University. Somewhere in between, she writes. Her previous work can be found in Hidden Youth: Speculative Fiction from the Margins of History, Cast of Wonders, and Book Smugglers Publishing.

Dagny Paul is a lapsed English teacher, failed artist, and sometimes writer who lives in New Orleans, Louisiana. She has an unhealthy (but entertaining) obsession with comic books and horror movies, which she consumes whenever her five-year-old son will let her (which isn’t often). Dagny is Assistant Editor of PseudoPod.

Listen to this week’s PodCastle!


  • Matross
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Reply #1 on: December 12, 2017, 06:56:40 PM
Wasn't sure if she was actually a troll or if this was a metaphor for how miserable high school is for some kids. I was definitely one of those, and it's also when I started self-harming. My heart aches for all the girls who don't know they're magical.

"To understand a cat you must realize that he has his own gifts, his own viewpoint, even his own morality."