Hi folks!
Thanks for reading/listening and commenting. It's so appreciated!
Zoanon, yeah, the beatings were pretty rough. I'm not sure if I'd write them so harshly if I were to write the story over again. I did want to contrast that even in these wretched circumstances, it's not logic that wins, but love. All Chananthay really wants is a friend. At no point does she even conceive of revenge on the monks... at most, she dreams that they'd listen to her and find her worthwhile.
Chris - yeah, I miiiiight have a beef with folks who call things "logical" that aren't. A lot of religious doctrine is based on faith, and you can't logic faith. You can logic based on an assumption of faith, but it needs to be called out as that, or else your whole epistemological argument falls apart - or at least is missing an asterisk.