Author Topic: CoW Ep. 277: Little Wonders 15 – Monster Mayhem!  (Read 3927 times)


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on: October 31, 2017, 10:27:34 PM
• Authors : Gregg Chamberlain and Dantzel Cherry
• Narrators : Dave Thompson, and Cheyenne Wright, Marguerite Kenner, Katherine Inskip and Dani Daly
• Host : Marguerite Kenner
• Audio Producer : Jeremy Carter
"Brothers in Stitches" is a Cast of Wonders original!
• "Got Cookies?" was originally published in the Alternate Hilarities 2: Vampires Suck! anthology (Strange Musings Press, 2014)

“Brothers in Stitches”

Dantzel Cherry teaches pilates and raises her daughter by day. By night and naptime, she writes. Her baking hours follow no rhyme or reason. Her short stories have appeared in Fireside, Intergalactic Medicine Show, Galaxy’s Edge, and other magazine and anthologies including here at Cast of Wonders.

Dave Thompson is a pretty awesome guy, even if he disparages pumpkin beer. He lives outside Los Angeles with his wife and three children. Together with co-editor Anna Schwind, he ran PodCastle for five amazing years, stepping down to focus on his own writing in 2015. You can find two of his audiobook narrations on Amazon: Norse Code by Greg Van Eekhout and Briarpatch by Tim Pratt.

Dave is an Escape Artists’ Worldwalker and Storyteller, having been published in, and narrated for, all four EA podcasts.

I’m sorry to say Master lay charred and inert on the laboratory floor for a good quarter hour before I noticed he was dead. I regret pulling the wrong lever, resulting in an overflow of electricity from the storm, the brunt of which Master received, resulting in his death and a ruined experiment. I’m even sorrier to admit I then ate all his internal organs before I remembered to offer any to Harry the moaning subject chained to the metal chair in the middle of the room or to the rest of my brothers-in-stitches in the downstairs dungeon.

“Got Cookies?”

Gregg Chamberlain lives in rural Eastern Ontario near the Canadian capital of Ottawa. He and his missus, Anne, share their home with a clowder of cats who allow the humans to believe that they are in charge. He has been a wordsmith for more than four decades, most of that spent as a full-time community newspaper reporter in Ontario and in British Columbia, his original home province. He looks forward to retiring soon to the Maritimes where he can continue writing speculative fiction and zombie filk, which includes recent works for Weirdbook magazine and for the Bard’s Song Vol. 1 anthology from Sinister Grin Press.

Cheyenne Wright is a freelance illustrator and concept artist. He is the color artist on the three-time Hugo Award winning steampunk graphic novel series Girl Genius, and co-creator of many other fine works; Including 50 Fathoms and the Ennie award winning Deadlands Noir for the Savage Worlds RPG. He has also produced graphics for Star Trek Online, the Champions MMO, and t-shirt designs for T.V.’s Alton Brown. Cheyenne lives in Seattle with his wife, their daughter, and an ever growing stack of unpainted miniatures. In his spare time he is teaching himself animation, and narrates short stories for a variety of venues where he is known as Podcasting’s Mr. Buttery ManVoice, and is an Escape Artsits’ Storyteller.

It was a dark and stormy night. It really was.

Black thunderclouds gathered together, turning the early evening twilight sky dark as midnight.

There was one brief, bright flash of lightning. Then came the rain. Drumming loud on the roof, and waking the Baron Esterhazy an hour before the vampire was accustomed to rise.

The baron pulled back heavy velvet drapes and looked out one of the second-floor windows of his mansion. Wind-driven rain ran down in sheets against the window pane.

Tags: boundaries, Cast of Wonders, Cheyenne Wright, cookies, Dani Daly, Dantzel Cherry, Dave Thompson, escape, Flash Fiction, Frankenstein, freedom, girl scouts, Gregg Chamberlain, Halloween, Katherine Inskip, Little Wonders, Marguerite Kenner, merit badges, Monsters, undead, vampires, werewolves, Young Adult fiction


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Reply #1 on: December 17, 2017, 06:03:36 AM
Both of these stories were great fun. "Got Cookies?" was a delightful subversion!

All cat stories start with this statement: “My mother, who was the first cat, told me this...”