Author Topic: CoW Ep. 281: Little Wonders 16 - Siblings in Space!  (Read 3876 times)


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on: December 23, 2017, 02:00:16 PM
Cast of Wonders 281: Little Wonders 16 – Siblings in Space

• Authors : Rachael K. Jones and B. Morris Allen
• Narrators : Marguerite Kenner, and Larissa Thompson
• Host : Marguerite Kenner
• Audio Producer : Jeremy Carter
"Brothers in Stitches" is a Cast of Wonders original!
• “Houston, Houston, Do You Read James Tiptree” was originally published in Nature (September 2016) “Outburst” is a Cast of Wonders original!

Content Warning: Grief. Sex and drug use.

“Houston, Houston, Do You Read James Tiptree”

Rachael K. Jones grew up in various cities across Europe and North America, picked up (and mostly forgot) six languages, and acquired several degrees in the arts and sciences. Now she writes speculative fiction in Portland, Oregon. Contrary to the rumors, she is probably not a secret android. Rachael is a World Fantasy Award nominee, Tiptree Award honoree, and winner of Writers of the Future. Her fiction has appeared in dozens of venues worldwide, including Lightspeed, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Strange Horizons, and all four Escape Artist podcasts. Follow her on Twitter @RachaelKJones.

Marguerite Kenner is a native Californian who has forsaken sunny paradise to live with her true love in Merrye Olde England. She frequently wears so many hats that she needs two heads. When she’s not grappling with legal conundrums as a commercial solicitor, editing Cast of Wonders, or helping behind the scenes as COO of Escape Artists, she can be found narrating audio fiction, studying popular culture (i.e. going to movies and playing video games) with her partner Alasdair Stuart, or curling up with a really good book. You can follow her adventures on Twitter.

After two hours of work, Daria got the space station’s recycler back online without Hugh there to help her. If he had just waited ten minutes while she tried resetting power. If he had let her double-check his gear before his spacewalk, like he was supposed to by all protocols.

If. If. If.


B. Morris Allen grew up in a house full of books that traveled the world. Nowadays, they’re e-books, and lighter to carry, but they’re still multiplying. He’s been a biochemist, an activist, and a lawyer, and now works as a foreign aid consultant. When he’s not roaming foreign countries fighting corruption, he’s on the Oregon coast, chatting with seals. In the occasional free moment, he works on his own speculative stories of love and disaster.

Morris’ fantasy novel, Susurrus came out on June 1st, 2017. It’s a dark, lush look at magic and why one sorceress ends up evil.

Find out more at and follow him on Twitter @BMorrisAllen

Larissa Thompson is an actor and filmmaker living and working in Vancouver, BC (Canada). She’s a big fan of make-believe and will find any excuse possible to dress up in costume. No stranger to independent productions – or being interviewed on video or audio formats – she has a passion for sharing stories she loves with the world. Follow her on Twitter or check out her website!

Earthlight sends jags of shadow crawling across the floor of the viewing bay, intangible reminders of the blowout that took #7 Arc, sent its occupants out into the dark. Killed my friends. Killed my parents. Killed my brother. They were at an Earthview, back when it was still a sick curiosity. No one comes here now, not in the year since the accident.

Tags: accident, blame, Cast of Wonders, death, despair, disrepair, drug use, Flash Fiction, forgiveness, friendship, games, genres, grief, letting go, Little Wonders, lost, mistake, opening up, sex, siblings, space, space station, sympathy, Tiptree, tribute, Young Adult fiction
« Last Edit: December 24, 2017, 01:36:50 PM by danooli »


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Reply #1 on: March 23, 2018, 04:02:21 AM
I was not expecting this episode to be so dark. Good, but dark.

All cat stories start with this statement: “My mother, who was the first cat, told me this...”