Cast of Wonders 298: PocosinAlso, Episode 345! A Staff Pick for 2018! Hosted by associate editor, Alicia Caporaso• Author: Ursula Vernon
• Narrator: Eden Royce
• Host: Marguerite Kenner
• Audio Producer: Jeremy Carter
• Cast of Wonders 298: Pocosin was originally published in
Apex Magazine (January 2015)•
Click here to listen to Episode 298•
Click here to listen to Episode 345Ursula Vernon is the author of many children’s books, the Hugo Award winning comic “Digger,” and the Nebula Award winning story “Jackalope Wives.” She writes books for adults under the name T. Kingfisher, including “The Seventh Bride,” “The Raven & The Reindeer” and the latest, a web-serial entitled “Summer in Orcus.” Visit her
website or follow her on
Eden Royce is descended from women who practiced root, a type of conjure magic in her native Charleston, South Carolina. She is the recipient of the Speculative Literature Foundation’s Diverse Worlds grant and her fiction can be found at PodCastle, Fireside Fiction, Abyss & Apex, and FIYAH Literary Magazine of Black Speculative fiction. Her website can be found
here and you can follow her
Twitter feed as well.
This is the place of the carnivores, the pool ringed with sundews and the fat funnels of the pitcher plants.
This is the place where the ground never dries out and the loblolly pines grow stunted, where the soil is poor and the plants turn to other means of feeding themselves.
This is the place where the hairstreak butterflies flow sleekly through the air and you can hear insect feet drumming inside the bowl of the pitcher plants.
This is the place where the old god came to die.
Show Notes From The Author:
Pocosins are a type of raised peat wetland found almost exclusively in the Carolinas. The name derives from an Eastern Algonquian word meaning “swamp on a hill.” They are a rare and unique ecosystem, today widely threatened by development.
Tags: bargains, Cast of Wonders, deals, death, devil, Eden Royce, Fantasy, gods, help, Jeremy Carter, magic, persuasion, protection, responsibility, tired, Ursula Vernon, wetlands, whiskey, wisdom, witchcraft, work, Young Adult fiction