I see a lot of intriguing images used for avatars, and am curious as to where some of them come from, or if they signify anything.
Fer starters, I'll say that mine was lifted from an old print advertisement, found on

I just thought he looked kinda' creepy, and almost robot-like. I flipped it horizontally because it would be appearing along the left side of the window, and it's better to have people facing the centre rather than outward.
Users I'd like to hear from:
Mr. Tweedy
palimpsest - I can't quite read the image. Somebody with a violin?
Leon_Kensington - looks almost like Zorro?
Russel Nash - let me guess, an actual pile of cars on a spike? From an auto salvage yard?
robertmarkbram - a logotype?
goatkeeper - Squids and whales?
slic - looks familiar, can't quite place it.