Author Topic: CoW Ep. 304: The Temple of the Whale (And Ep. 344!)  (Read 3457 times)


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Cast of Wonders 304: The Temple of the Whale

Also, Episode 344! A Staff Pick for 2018! Hosted by associate editor, Alicia Caporaso

• Author: KB Sluss
• Narrator: Sandra Espinoza
• Host Ep. 304: Marguerite Kenner
• Host Ep. 344: Alicia Caporaso
• Audio Producer: Jeremy Carter
Cast of Wonders 304: "The Temple of the Whale" is a Cast of Wonders original!
Click here to listen to Episode 304

As KB Sluss, Karissa’s short stories have appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Everyday Fiction, Luna Station Quarterly, and Stupefying Stories. She is also a first reader for Strange Horizons and an editor at Quantum Fairy Tales. As Karissa Laurel, she is the author of several adult and YA novels. Her latest, “Heir of Thunder”, is a YA fantasy about the daughter of the god of thunder. You can follow her online and on Twitter.

Sandra is a New York born and raised voice actress with a background in literature and writing. After a childhood where video games were banned from the house, she one-eighty’d so hard she’s finally in them and never leaving.

Some games Sandra’s voiced for include 3 on 3 Freestyle, Heroes of Newerth, and Marvel’s Avengers Academy. Her next role will be in the upcoming Wadjet Eye Games adventure RPG : “Unavowed”. Catch her on Twitter or Facebook under the handle “DustyOldRoses,” obsessing over good food, good games and the color pink.

Late in the morning I find Terren in our palm tree shelter, packing his few possessions: his bone knife; a collection of coral carved into various whale poses; a square of cloth he uses as a blanket on rare, cool evenings; a flask of water; a day’s supply of food, enough to carry him until he reaches the village. His intent to leave me is clear.

I rub away budding tears and cough to clear the warble trapped in my throat. Stiffening my spine, I square my shoulders, a defense against the urge to melt into quivering lump. “I see you’ve made up your mind.”

Tags:  Alicia Caporaso, Cast of Wonders, Content Warning, gods, Jeremy Carter, KB Sluss, letting go, myth, parenthood, remembrance, Sandra Espinoza, Staff Picks, Staff Picks 2018, worship, Young Adult fiction
« Last Edit: January 23, 2019, 12:28:40 PM by danooli »