In my experience, it's good forum etiquette to read the posts that came before yours, so you don't inadvertently reopen a can of worms or ask a question that's already been answered. But in reading comments threads, the act of observing changes the observer -- or, in this case, could change the opinion of the observer or the way s/he plans to comment.
Kind of a Heisenberg's Cat situation, if I may mix my metaphors for a bit.
Initially I would have said yes, read everything that went on before first, which always I do.
For the most part, reading other peoples' reasons for liking a story typically causes me to raise my opinion of the story by 20% or so. It never causes me to lower it. So, for me there is a ratcheting effect.
OTOH — If one is treating the Episode Comment forums as a type of review or audience polling system, then it should be all about the story. The story should be judged as a thing by itself without commentary provided by others. If it *needs* explanation or additional context, then perhaps it was not as successful as it might have been, and the author would get a more realistic picture of how the story was received.
Already, as a result of reading your post all the way through, my reply has changed from what it might have been, which illustrates your point.
On the
gripping hand — No story is ever written or read in a vacuum. There is
always some kind of context for it, especially in short works where there is no room for such frills as cultural background and history. Whether the context is provided
before the reading or
after it, is perhaps a moot point, especially if it is not the author that is providing it, but other listeners who presumably do not have insider information.
I'm thinking that the only result of posting first and reading comments later would be to increase the proportion of negative or merely "meh" comments. Bummer for the author. Why not focus on the positive aspects of the work, (provided there isn't something horribly offensive about the story)? At the same time, if reading other's comments causes me to enjoy a story a bit more, then yay for me. It's like having turkey leftovers on Tuesday.
Getting back to the purpose of the Episode Comments forums:
— If they are deemed to be a compilation of independently-written reviews or an audience opinion poll then I would say "Post first, read later".
— If they are deemed to be a sort of coffeehouse discussion and conversation, then I say "Read first, add comment later". That is the default etiquette for other forums, so I guess it's hard not to apply it to the Episode Comments forums as well.
Excellent topic, Listener