This is the thread where we're going to inform you folk about anything we're doing that someone could possibly find objectionable. I think we run a pretty clean ship here, but better to subject things to public scrutiny than look like you're hiding something.
I racked my brains (thought about it for three minutes while walking the dog) and could only come up with one thing.
We have an Amazon code. This is pretty standard for websites and forums. When we have a link to Amazon, we add a little code on the end. If someone clicks the link and buys the product, EP gets a percentage. So far it hasn't paid a cent. If you were going to buy one of these items and want to make a donation to EP, click the link and buy. If you want the item but don't want to donate to EP, click the link look at something different then go back and buy it. If it doesn't say Escapepod in the URL, we get nothing.
If you want all of you future Amazon links to be EP paying links, drop me a PM and I'll add the code to any future links you put in. I read all of your posts anyway, so it's no big deal. If you want to make sure I'll never get within 100 pixels of your links, you can also PM me.