Author Topic: Listener's Writing Adventures  (Read 153727 times)


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Reply #250 on: August 21, 2012, 06:39:48 PM
Well, you can't read it yet, but my novel is up to 78,000 words, with about 50,000 to go (depending upon how long each of the remaining 14 chapters is -- I'm averaging 3700 words apiece).

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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Reply #251 on: September 29, 2012, 12:40:45 PM
For those of you not following me on the Twitters, the Facebooks, or the Plussed Googles...

Since August 21, I've written a little more than 40,000 words. The novel is now done. It totals 122,100 (first draft). Right now it's with a beta reader, and I'm hoping to have the first round of edits done by 11/1.

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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Reply #252 on: November 30, 2012, 01:57:21 PM
Journey Into has agreed to reprint one of my fantasy stories. The contract is signed.

Dunesteef is currently producing one of my novellas.

An agent requested the first three chapters of my novel. She has them now and I am waiting to hear more.

You are now caught up.

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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Reply #253 on: December 24, 2012, 12:45:05 PM
Dunesteef is currently producing one of my novellas.

The story is now available. It's called "Secret Santa". Just in time for Christmas.

An agent requested the first three chapters of my novel. She has them now and I am waiting to hear more.

The agent said no. I have since sent to a different agent. If that other agent (who is representing this writer I know locally) doesn't like it, I'll start going directly to publishers.

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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  • Hipparch
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Reply #254 on: November 12, 2013, 06:52:13 PM
I'm back.

If you enjoy erotica, you might want to check out my erotica novel, which was published recently:

I've had a couple of stories accepted by the Dunesteef, and one forthcoming from Journey Into, but overall it's been a quiet year for me, publication-wise.

On the audio front, I've appeared on StarShipSofa, Protecting Project Pulp, Crime City Central, Pseudopod, and Tales from Gnosis College.

Now you know.

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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Reply #255 on: November 12, 2013, 11:02:01 PM
And knowing is half a bottle!



  • Hipparch
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Reply #256 on: November 13, 2013, 01:41:44 PM
Speaking of StarShipSofa, they just reprinted "Greener", which originally appeared in Asimov's in March 2012.


"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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  • Hipparch
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Reply #257 on: November 25, 2013, 04:05:53 PM
Just yesterday I released "Secret Santa", which aired last Christmas on the Dunesteef, in Kindle form.

The Dunesteef is publishing the sequel as well.

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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  • Hipparch
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Reply #258 on: January 02, 2014, 01:08:00 PM
The Dunesteef published "Secret Santa 2" last week, but I haven't been near enough to a computer to really post about it. So... here:

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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  • Hipparch
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Reply #259 on: January 27, 2014, 01:36:03 PM
Here are some things that have happened:

Renaissance E Books has sent me contracts for a second novel as well as a novelette. I am in the contract review process now, which basically means "figure out where the hell I filed my last contract so that I can make sure the terms are the same".

Cast of Wonders has accepted one of my stories for publication.

I have written almost 20,000 words of a new novel (non-genre) since Tuesday the 14th.

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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Reply #260 on: March 03, 2014, 07:54:40 PM
Well, it's not Nanowrimo, but I wrote the first draft of a 58,800-word middle-grade non-genre novel in 42 days (1/21 through today).

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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  • Hipparch
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Reply #261 on: March 11, 2014, 12:30:29 PM
Sold a piece of flash to Tina Connolly's Toasted Cake.

Sizzler Editions put out my second erotica novel on Kindle last Saturday.

Finished the first round of edits to my middle-grade novel, currently titled "Monkeybutt". It's out with beta readers now.

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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  • Hipparch
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Reply #262 on: June 23, 2014, 01:00:08 PM
"The Roommate Situation" is now published:

After the Apocalypse went to a publisher. She liked it, but wants me to cut another 20-30 thousand words. That'll take some time, I fear.

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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  • Hipparch
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Reply #263 on: July 11, 2014, 01:17:15 PM
Sold a story to Black Denim Lit. They predict it will be out in their October issue.

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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  • Hipparch
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Reply #264 on: August 05, 2014, 01:45:49 PM
"Survivor" was reprinted (in audio and print) in this week's Cast of Wonders.

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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  • Hipparch
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Reply #265 on: August 07, 2014, 01:25:54 PM
If you enjoy erotica, you might want to check out my erotica novel, which was published recently:

To the erotica fans out there: I've written a piece of fantasy erotica (that is, it takes place in a fantasy setting, where there is magic). Feel free to check it out, but do remember that it's NSFW (obviously).

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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  • Hipparch
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Reply #266 on: November 18, 2014, 01:28:49 PM
"Clean Up", a short piece about what happens AFTER the superheroes defeat the vampires, is up on the Dunesteef today.

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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  • Hipparch
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Reply #267 on: November 25, 2014, 01:14:14 PM
I've self-published a near-future story about medicine, insurance, and governmental regulation. It's called "Side Effects", and you can get it for the Kindle here:

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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  • Hipparch
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Reply #268 on: December 15, 2014, 01:21:04 PM
"Return to Waypoint 5" is free to read at Black Denim Lit. Sci-fi adventure. They liked it enough to make it this month's cover story.

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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  • Hipparch
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Reply #269 on: November 15, 2017, 08:42:19 PM
Available Friday in paperback and e-edition: my new novel After the Apocalypse.

Okay, technically you could order it today and get overnight shipping on the paperback, but most people are going to do two-day shipping and it'll arrive Friday, and the e-edition goes live Friday, so... Friday it is.

Anyway. Check it out. If you like. No pressure.

"Farts are a hug you can smell." -Wil Wheaton

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