Author Topic: EP London Meetup  (Read 9910 times)


  • Hipparch
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on: November 23, 2007, 11:22:32 AM
I've already responded to the people who e-mailed to express an interest, but just to make it public: I'm in London, and we'll be having an informal pub meetup on Sunday, November 25 at 1 PM at The George on 77 Borough High Street.  Not sure yet if we'll be inside or outside; I'll be wearing a purple shirt, and if you don't see me, just look for the crowd of people who look like science fiction fans.  If you can make it, we look forward to seeing you there!

ESCAPE POD - The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine


  • Lochage
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Reply #1 on: November 24, 2007, 06:59:36 AM
You'll be wearing a purple shirt in a London November? Is this some new hypothermia fetish? Put a pullover on man!


  • Lochage
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Reply #2 on: November 25, 2007, 06:13:35 PM
Well, that was incredibly fun, even if I did manage to walk straight past Steve, purple shirt and all. So I wonder how many of the people who came to the pub today are actually on here too? Come on, wave!


  • Hipparch
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Reply #3 on: November 25, 2007, 10:55:30 PM
Well, that was incredibly fun, even if I did manage to walk straight past Steve, purple shirt and all. So I wonder how many of the people who came to the pub today are actually on here too? Come on, wave!

I agree, it was a great time.  We ran from 1 PM until 5 PM, steadily taking over one of the pub's rooms.  I had some great ale, and better conversation.  A few people took pictures -- hopefully those'll get posted somewhere and we'll get some links.

I'll take you up on that lunch, too, Loz.  Great meeting you.

ESCAPE POD - The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine


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Reply #4 on: November 25, 2007, 11:06:40 PM
It was indeed fun.
It was good to meet you Steve and everyone else too.
There was good conversation aplenty.


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Reply #5 on: November 26, 2007, 12:13:34 AM
I'm really sorry I missed this - especially since I was in London this morning! I just flew back to England today from New York, and hadn't checked the forum in a couple of days. Had I known about the meeting when I arrived in Heathrow I would have stayed in London and showed up, but by the time I read this post I was already back north in York.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 12:27:54 AM by eytanz »


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Reply #6 on: November 26, 2007, 07:28:30 AM
Hi all
    Yes the meeting was great, I dont feel quite so bad now having to start back home at 4pm knowing you went on till around 5pm. The photos look okay, I will get them posted up on flickr and provide a link here in the next day or so.

   Hmmm two people with purple shirts in the pub at the same time seemed to cause a little confusion.  Will also look into some buttons for the post event.  lol..

   Steve can I use the escape pod craft image for the background on the buttons if i can get this moving ?

Hi everyone else that was there

and hey where were the rest of you, london was not that far, i only travelled 120 miles to get there (240 return of course)
great day, good food, good ale, better company and fantastic conversations.
See you all again next year ?

Happy 1st wedding anniversary (what a stunning start to 2nd year of wedded life )  --- 8-)


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Reply #7 on: November 26, 2007, 07:52:49 AM
          I have found a UK based Manufacturer of Badges, reasonable prices for the sizes I am interested in.

So is anyone interested in a Badge ?
Just postage will be enough if you are

As for the Logo just waiting on Steve, otherwise we might need to come up with our own logo to define the London event

But my thoughts were
The Escape Pod craft as background
with just the date below it in the following format

simple and it means something to us that were there

also means each badge run could be unique

and without the date is just a simple but effective advert (hey could put the website underneath, even better advert for Escape Pod)

thoughts, suggestions people ????


  • Hipparch
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Reply #8 on: November 26, 2007, 08:52:23 AM
Steve can I use the escape pod craft image for the background on the buttons if i can get this moving ?

Sure.  If this were a serious profit-making thing I'd have to cut the logo designer, Doug Triggs, in on it, but something like this just for fun, there's no reason not to.

Great to see you too.  Thanks for making the trek!

ESCAPE POD - The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine


  • Palmer
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Reply #9 on: November 26, 2007, 11:20:45 AM
Hi All, thanks for setting that up Steve.

I had a great time and the afternoon just flew by.  Almost missed dinner with the in-laws but it was well worth it  ;D

Michael Bauer


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Reply #10 on: November 26, 2007, 07:56:08 PM
Well, that was incredibly fun, even if I did manage to walk straight past Steve, purple shirt and all. So I wonder how many of the people who came to the pub today are actually on here too? Come on, wave!

I am now!  It was great to meet Steve and Anna, and always good to hang out with fellow science fiction fans  ;D


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Reply #11 on: November 26, 2007, 09:03:37 PM
Link to Photos people

enjoy, laugh, cry which ever is appropriate

Richard Eaton


  • Hipparch
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Reply #12 on: November 27, 2007, 11:27:32 AM

Great pictures, thank you!  (At least of everyone else.  I still think that in profile I look far too much like Charlie Brown.)

ESCAPE POD - The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine


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Reply #13 on: November 27, 2007, 01:46:40 PM
ha Steve
  I have been racking my brains to figure out who you looked like, thanks you solved it finally 8-) ;D


  • Peltast
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Reply #14 on: November 27, 2007, 06:20:58 PM
Arse, just got back to London an hour ago from foreign parts...  And i've been promising Mr Eley an Ale for the best part of 2 years.

Ah well,  Hope you enjoyed the city...




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Reply #15 on: November 27, 2007, 09:31:05 PM
It was great to meet you Steve & Anna.
(the rest of you were quite nice too)

At one point I was talking to some people at one end of the table and Steve was talking to people at the other,
so I could hear him but couldn't see him.
It was like having an episode of Escape Pod playing in the background, spooky.


  • Lochage
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Reply #16 on: November 28, 2007, 09:13:25 PM

Hmm.  Not sure I can make my profile look like that.  It was great to meet some of you -- we should do this again.