Author Topic: Secure HTTPS:// in the near future?  (Read 5405 times)

Scuba Man

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on: June 26, 2019, 08:47:43 PM
So, will that be added to the site? I'm censoring what I share, as it's sprayed all over the interwebs for all to see.  :-\

I'm a stand-up philosopher until 2024. Then, I move onto my next gig. I'm a gentleman forester and farmer. I also enjoy jumping into Lake Huron and panicking the fish.


  • Castle Watchcat
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Reply #1 on: June 26, 2019, 09:55:48 PM
So, will that be added to the site? I'm censoring what I share, as it's sprayed all over the interwebs for all to see.  :-\

It's safe to say changes are coming.

Scuba Man

  • Lochage
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Reply #2 on: July 13, 2019, 12:44:33 PM
So, will that be added to the site? I'm censoring what I share, as it's sprayed all over the interwebs for all to see.  :-\

It's safe to say changes are coming.
Thank you for the response, Ocicat. Your reply had an ominous tone. I like. I like! Seriously, I’ve seen your username all over the threads with listener feedback. I appreciate your service, eh. BTW, if the thread would like a volunteer moderator, I’d like to be considered for it.

I'm a stand-up philosopher until 2024. Then, I move onto my next gig. I'm a gentleman forester and farmer. I also enjoy jumping into Lake Huron and panicking the fish.


  • Extern
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Reply #3 on: February 26, 2022, 10:15:14 PM
So, will that be added to the site? I'm censoring what I share, as it's sprayed all over the interwebs for all to see.  :-\

It's safe to say changes are coming.

Are these changes still incoming?


  • Castle Watchcat
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Reply #4 on: February 27, 2022, 07:20:57 AM
Sadly, no. When the forum code was updated we were promised https, and for whatever reason it didn't turn out that way, and I don't think we'll be doing more work on the forums going forward.


  • Extern
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  • Posts: 19
    • Rail 16 Photography
Reply #5 on: September 03, 2022, 01:05:05 PM
Sadly, no. When the forum code was updated we were promised https, and for whatever reason it didn't turn out that way, and I don't think we'll be doing more work on the forums going forward.

That's a bummer. But I understand technical debt and how difficult that can be to work around.

Thanks for the replay and huge apologises for my own late reply. I had thought I had notifications turned on.