Yeah, they only did that because "Showgirl Galleria", the new and largest strip club on that half of the state, was about to open and that was an affront to the Dutch Catholics in the area. I don't know what they were worried about, "Showgirl Galleria" sounds like something you'd catch from getting a 'car date'.
In West Michigan if you ain't Dutch, you ain't much. Grand Rapids has a very high religious right population, and the mayor is an ordained minister of the Church of Christ. He is also a huge advocate of tax rebates for companies that use green energy and conserve water and energy usage, so I'm torn.
TAD — I think he meant torn in that he agrees with the rebates, but disagrees with the Mayor's religion playing a role in his mayoral actions.
Reminds me of the whole
Sally Kern idiocy in Oklahoma (I freelance a bit, one of my jobs is monitoring a bunch of Oklahoma political websites). Everyone has the right to believe whatever they wish, but when you're a public figure and using a religion as the basis of your political ideology... The country works because it's a disparate group of immigrants that decided to set aside their differences for the common good. While your religion can influence you in your decision making, secular democratic government requires that the actions a government takes not be based on a religion but on the public good. As a public figure, you can think something is true because of your religion, but you need to have a good secular reason in order to do something. Politicians that divide the people into different camps with their speech at at best foolish, and at worse complicit agents of intolerance.
Back on point — Zombie strippers are a bit too necrophiliac for me.
Edit: Also, I've never liked Undeadsploitation flicks.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 02:53:11 AM by Heradel »
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