Author Topic: Trouble Listening to Some Readers?  (Read 8007 times)


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on: June 28, 2018, 07:12:46 PM
Let me start with saying: I just started listening to PseudoPod fairly recently and decided to start from the beginning with Episode 1 and go through them in order. I've made it to Episode 130 and, so far, the stories themselves are quite fantastic. Excellent writing through and through with very few stories that I didn't enjoy, and even then, only really due to personal taste preferences.

That being said, does anyone else notice that many of the readers kind of sound like they're trying to eat their microphones? There are some stories that I just can't finish listening to because the reader sounds like they have a terrible case of cottonmouth and I'm so distracted and grossed out by the sound of a cow chewing in my ear that I can't even focus on the story and I just want to scream "would you please just drink some freaking water!?"

Is that just me? I want to enjoy this podcast, I really really do. But this seems to be happening more and more often as the stories go on and I'm not sure how many more I can stand...

(For reference: Episode 126)


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Reply #1 on: June 28, 2018, 09:53:48 PM
It's really hard to judge exactly what problem it is that you're having - I was hoping for "bad audio", because we've tightened up the ship on that and continue to do so. But the episode you point to is a Ben Phillips reading, original editor and one of our more popular readers, so I'm kind of at a loss. I'd maybe guess that you just don't synch with Ben's reading style or voice (it happens - not everyone is going to love everyone's approach to a story) but you did mention "many of the readers", so I'd assume it wasn't just Ben himself? All I can say is skip any reading that is driving you nuts and go on to the next. While we have some "dependables", we also pride ourselves on the variety of readers we showcase.


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Reply #2 on: June 29, 2018, 02:33:28 AM
This is a recommended place to jump into the podcast:

Keep in mind that by starting at the beginning, you're listening to episodes that were recorded a decade or more ago.

All cat stories start with this statement: “My mother, who was the first cat, told me this...”


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Reply #3 on: June 29, 2018, 02:47:50 PM
It's really hard to judge exactly what problem it is that you're having - I was hoping for "bad audio", because we've tightened up the ship on that and continue to do so. But the episode you point to is a Ben Phillips reading, original editor and one of our more popular readers, so I'm kind of at a loss. I'd maybe guess that you just don't synch with Ben's reading style or voice (it happens - not everyone is going to love everyone's approach to a story) but you did mention "many of the readers", so I'd assume it wasn't just Ben himself? All I can say is skip any reading that is driving you nuts and go on to the next. While we have some "dependables", we also pride ourselves on the variety of readers we showcase.

I thought I had made my issue pretty clear honestly... I suppose it really does boil down to "bad audio" because it's a sound I believe to be caused by a person speaking too close to their microphone. Its a dry-mouth, lip-smacking sound that is just a bit disgusting. I actually very much enjoy Ben's reading style and voice, I simply referenced that episode because it was the most recent one I had listened to where that sound occurred. Basically I just frequently feel as though someone is open-mouth chewing in my ear while I'm listening and I wanted to know if it was just me being over sensitive to that type of thing, or something that others had noticed as well, as well as if it is something that happens less often in future episodes.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 02:54:10 PM by allegedparadise88 »


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Reply #4 on: June 29, 2018, 02:49:24 PM
This is a recommended place to jump into the podcast:

Keep in mind that by starting at the beginning, you're listening to episodes that were recorded a decade or more ago.

Thank you! That is very helpful. I know the old episodes are fairly old now but I just find it a pity to miss out on all those stories because they are so well written.


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Reply #5 on: June 29, 2018, 03:46:36 PM
Thanks, that does make it clearer - although I'd argue that it still comes down to a personal reading style (too close to the microphone for you). I guess the only solution is to check a later reading by Ben, or one of the others that bother you, and see if they've changed their set-up/approach at all.

As a person who has spent his life listening very closely to voices I can tell you, for example, that I can't stand Michael J. Fox's voice - it has some irksome quality for me that doesn't seem to bother the majority of people (I felt vindicated when a film reviewer, in passing, mentioned Fox's "curdled skim milk voice") - my point being that not everything works for everyone...and that's okay.


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Reply #6 on: July 05, 2018, 01:58:04 PM
Thanks, that does make it clearer - although I'd argue that it still comes down to a personal reading style (too close to the microphone for you). I guess the only solution is to check a later reading by Ben, or one of the others that bother you, and see if they've changed their set-up/approach at all.

As a person who has spent his life listening very closely to voices I can tell you, for example, that I can't stand Michael J. Fox's voice - it has some irksome quality for me that doesn't seem to bother the majority of people (I felt vindicated when a film reviewer, in passing, mentioned Fox's "curdled skim milk voice") - my point being that not everything works for everyone...and that's okay.

This is very true! I've reached the 150 range of episodes now and it seems to be getting significantly better. Also, in re-reading my previous post I realized that my response may have come off a lot more snarky than I had intended and I apologize for that  :-\
If it makes you feel better, I also really can't stand Fox's voice. It's the #1 reason that I haven't watched the Back To The Future series as many times as I would like. Thank you for your suggestions!


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Reply #7 on: July 05, 2018, 02:42:27 PM
No problem - glad it got better for you.


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Reply #8 on: December 30, 2019, 02:43:10 AM
Apparently the issue is caused by too much or too little moisture in the speakers mouth.

I think it would be interesting to read (or hear) how the EA podcasts are produced each week. Story selection, choosing a narrator, recording, editing and so forth.