Author Topic: Has everyone moved to Discord?  (Read 7719 times)


  • Hipparch
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on: February 27, 2020, 04:37:16 PM
I'm trying to figure out why there seem to be so few comments for Escape Pod episodes lately. (I only listen to Escape Pod and only follow that forum, so it's the only one I can comment on). I feel like I am the only one posting comments on episodes. I have actually tried to be diligent about posting, in an effort to keep the conversation going. But, I am wondering if I should just stop? Has the conversation moved over to the Discord server? Should I just bite the bullet and go there? I've been dragging my heels, because I don't really need yet another forum to join and worry about not keeping up with. Thoughts?


  • Pseudopod Tiger
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Reply #1 on: February 28, 2020, 04:05:32 AM
In general, forum participation has waned significantly over the last few years. Discussions generally happen in more disparate ways -- either on Twitter, in small pockets on the Discord server, Facebook sometimes, etc. The Discord server is really more of a place to have fun chats with other listeners, staff, etc. Not much episode discussion goes on there, currently.

I'd like to hear my options, so I could weigh them, what do you say?
Five pounds?  Six pounds? Seven pounds?


  • Castle Watchcat
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Reply #2 on: February 28, 2020, 06:26:55 PM
I suspect it's mostly about how internet usage has changed over the years. Instead of going to dozens of specialized websites - like you had to 10 years ago -  people just use facebook, twitter, or or other sites that bring all their interests into one place.


  • Hipparch
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Reply #3 on: February 29, 2020, 03:13:35 PM
Thanks for the replies. I am sad, though. I really enjoyed the lively discussions we used to have about episodes.


  • Matross
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Reply #4 on: March 19, 2020, 03:27:09 PM
I'm a bit late to the conversation as I've also not been checking the forum as often  :-\ I noticed a big drop on comments once we stopped adding selected readers' comments to the end of the podcasts. A big drop. It was fun to hear if my comments made it and read aloud. Some recorded comments did make me want to go back and listen to a story again or find one that I missed.