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Cast of Wonders 421: We Sang You As Ours


Languorous Lass:
Since it’s been eons since any official posts have been started about CoW episodes, I felt compelled to start my own thread about this latest episode.  It grabbed me and wouldn’t let go.  Nibedita did a beautiful job of invoking the feeling of living on the shore (because of the mentions of Hurricane Sandy, I pictured the Atlantic shore of the US, which I know very well) and the obligation to family. 

I was a bit disappointed that Cadence didn’t leave at the end—I shudder at the thought of her having to lure victims for her father—but understood the point that it sometimes takes sacrifices to effect lasting change. 

Beautifully done.  And the story is helping me grieve my inability to safely have a beach vacation this year. 


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