So great to hear this getting underway. I have to admit, when I first heart that they were spinning off a fantasy podcast (oh so loooong ago) my expectations were mixed. I must admit that while I consider myself a fan of speculative fiction in general, a lot of fantasy, and that which most readily and vocally embraces the name "fantasy," just rubs me the wrong way. Before I start sounding like a total snob, I totally get that there is just as much that is formulaic and tired in science fiction as there is in fantasy. But I guess I can stand a million pikers trying to be Heinlein or Azimov, because I like Heinlein and Azimov. A million Tolkiens? One was too many, in my book.
EA has done a good job publicizing PC, and I was happy when I heard Eley describe the variety of styles PC is planning to address. This first installment has me quite confident that this promise was a good one. Not to say that there's no good sword-and-sorcery out there -- espescially if you count Earthsea as S+S -- but if I felt like this was going to be elves-dwarves-goblins-cast I would probably not subscribe.
I guess that's a long-winded, self-important way of saying YES great story choice, great reading, great production, excited to hear more.
On the nuts-and-bolts side, is this going to be a Tuesday thing going forward? No complaints if it is; it'll be kinda nice to spread out my podcast week, turn my current "Wednesday-Drabblecast Thursday-Escape/Pseudo" into a three-day orgy of midweek fiction.
Ooh, include "Monday-Selected Shorts" in that equation, and it's four!