This one didn't do much for me.
-too many characters introduced in too little time. Having dozen characters named in a story that's as many minutes is simply too many.
-The POV character wasn't clear at all
-I don't mind when a story carries a message, but I don't like it when a message carries a story. If you ignore the message the story makes no sense. Who reanimated the body? There's a reference to the men wiring it's mouth shut, but why do they reanimate and why do they wire the mouth shut? Why is this is not a big deal to anyone other than general annoyance at having Grandpa back at the table?
-In the end NOTHING happened. It certainly has conflict, considering not everybody wants Gramps there. But nothing happens, they all just sit around and have a Thanksgiving dinner, the kids play, the grownups have their in-fights, and that's it. It was nothing different than a regular Thanksgiving except the incidental dead guy who didn't really matter.