Author Topic: PseudoPod 762: The Thought Monster  (Read 2331 times)


  • Pseudopod Tiger
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on: June 19, 2021, 03:17:09 AM
PseudoPod 762: The Thought Monster

Author: Amelia Reynolds Long
Narrator: Spencer Disparti
Host: Alasdair Stuart
Audio Producer: Marty Perrett

“The Thought Monster” originally appeared in Weird Tales in March 1930

Show Notes
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The first of the series of outrages was the case of Welton Grimm. Grimm was a retired farmer with a little place about three miles from town, who apparently had not an enemy in the world; yet one morning he was discovered dead in a patch of woods near his home with a look of horror on his face that made the flesh creep on those who found him. There were no marks of violence upon the body; only that expression of horrified revulsion at unspeakable things. Two doctors, a coroner, and a jury puzzled over it, and at last gave out the statement that he had been the victim of a heart attack—which nobody believed.

For a while the case was discussed, as all such things are in small towns. Then, just as it was about to drop into oblivion, the second blow fell: another man, a stranger this time, was found dead under identical circumstances in the same spot. Before the town could digest this, two half-grown boys were added to the list of victims, and the very next night a woman was found dead under similar conditions about a mile distant.

The police scoured the countryside for the culprit—for it was now admitted that the deaths were the result of foul play—but to no avail.  They could find nothing: there seemed to be nothing to find. But when again the Terror struck, this  time claiming for its victim the mayor himself, the townspeople decided that something drastic must be done at once; and they sent to New York for a detective.

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Five pounds?  Six pounds? Seven pounds?


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Reply #1 on: September 02, 2021, 08:12:18 AM
I really wanted this to be the Living Nightmare from Astro City, that the doctor was trying to cure himself of fear by externalizing it only to release a monster when fear, unchecked and concretized, went berserk.  Instead, just a brain jellyfish.  Which is fine!  But not what I wanted it to be.

I love how these old stories are just so *confident* about the complete nonsense science they feature.  Just straight up "oh yeah black lights keep psychic effects out" and no questions asked nor answers given.  XD