I know a few of you might have seen the Sci-Fi Music thread, but we haven't had a Pseudopod version, yet, so I thought I'd kick one off.
My brain drippings are scattered hither and yon throughout a few blog spots, but my music ramblings tend to end up on Last.fm - which I tend to plug shamelessly, hoping more of my pod-friends will come check it out. (It's free, and any track you play on their page nets the artist a whopping .005 cents.. or pence... I can't recall, now.)
Tonight I posted the first of what I hope will be a regular series of album reviews, and I thought the albums I chose would make for good Pseudopod conversation. The albums are "Swordfishtrombones" and "Rain Dogs" by Tom Waits, and the review is posted
here, at Last.fm. (And I promise you, it's true...)
Tom Waits is known for a disturbing body of work, including the music heard in the
animated short "Bunny", and the song
"Little Drop of Poison", heard in Shrek II. And, of course, a number of hits that were covered by other people, like Downtown Train (Rod Stewart) and Ol' 55 (The Eagles).
Anyway, as you can plainly see by looking at the time stamps, I could blather on about music until the wee hours of the morning, but I'm interested in hearing about your favorite "horror" music. The strings from Psycho? The Monster Mash?
Penderecki's creepy bug music?