Author Topic: CoW Ep. 486: Eight Arms to Hold You  (Read 1004 times)

Languorous Lass

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on: February 24, 2022, 01:57:25 AM
Cast of Wonders 486: Eight Arms to Hold You

• Author: Angela Teagardner
• Narrator: Barry Deutsch
• Host: Katherine Inskip
• Audio Producer: Jeremy Carter
• Artist: Katherine Inskip

"Eight Arms to Hold You" is a Cast of Wonders original.

Click here to listen to Episode 486

Oscar woke with the sun. He turned one glassy eye toward the tiny window near the ceiling where rose-gold light crept in. It was barred with a lattice of steel–steel currently scalloped with red paper hearts–but at least it faced toward the rising sun. He’d learned to wake as soon as that light, or maybe just the warmth from it, crept across his sensitive skin.

He stretched his limbs, reaching almost to the edges of his tiny cell. Today was the day. Operation Puddle Jump was a go.

Tags:  Angela Teagardner, aquarium, Barry Deutsch, coffee, intelligent animals, Jeremy Carter, Katherine Inskip, laboratory, love, octopus, romance, science, trickster, Valentines, young adult fiction