Author Topic: PseudoPod 818: Flash on the Borderlands LXII: Flash Fiction Contest 7 Winners  (Read 3866 times)


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PseudoPod 818: Flash on the Borderlands LXII: Flash Fiction Contest 7 Winners

Authors: Frank Oreto, Hannah Whiteoak, and Karlo Yeager Rodriguez
Narrators: Dennis Robinson, Sevatividam, and Karlo Yeager Rodriguez
Host: Brian Lieberman
Audio Producer: Marty Perrett

PseudoPod 818: Flash on the Borderlands LXII: Flash Fiction Contest 7 Winners is a PseudoPod original.

Position: Overnight home companion for shut in. Must be able to read. Lack of imagination a plus. 

Salary: 250 dollars a night. I’ve never seen who pays. But the cash is there every morning at sunrise. A brown paper bag in the mailbox, twenties and tens. Good money, right? But I need to explain some things. I don’t want you coming in blind like I did. 

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I'd like to hear my options, so I could weigh them, what do you say?
Five pounds?  Six pounds? Seven pounds?