Author Topic: CoW Ep. 506: Little Wonders 35 – Memories of Home  (Read 1164 times)

Languorous Lass

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on: September 22, 2022, 07:05:58 PM
Cast of Wonders 506: Little Wonders 35 – Memories of Home

• Authors: Matt Tighe and Riley Neither
• Narrators: Peter Adrian Behravesh and Carlo Matos
• Host: Tanya Aydelott
• Audio Producer: Jeremy Carter

"The Past Laid Out On The Table" and "A Portal" are Cast of Wonders originals.

Click here to listen to Episode 506

"The Past Laid Out On The Table" by Matt Tighe

The sky above his mother’s house is the bright orange and pink of a frozen dawn when David stops by after work.

‘Mum!’ he yells as he slings the grocery bags at the kitchen bench. They slow to a stop in mid-air. A yellow lemon drops out of one bag and spins lazily, nowhere to go. No when to go.

‘Yes, dear?’

“Have you looked out the window?” David says, trying to keep the edge from his voice. He wishes she would just leave the past alone.

"A Portal" by Riley Neither

Kepstra remembers the old world.

His mothers say he was too young, but he’s dreamed of it all his life. He remembers pink skies and smoke stinging his eyes. He remembers how the portal looked from the other side, a gray arch tall enough to block out the sun, full of rippling blue light.

From this side, his only memories of the portal are of it empty as he sees it every day. His family were among the last refugees to make it through before it shut down fourteen years ago. Lightspeed ships were sent back to the old world, but it will take them two hundred and sixty years to get there.

Tags:    Carlo Matos, distance, domestic fantasy, families, future, grief, hope, Jeremy Carter, legacies, Little Wonders, Matt Tighe, memories, past, Peter Adrian Behravesh, portals, Riley Neither, Tanya Aydelott, time travel, young adult fiction