Author Topic: CoW Ep. 511: Wind Settles in the Bones (And Ep. 521!)  (Read 3085 times)

Languorous Lass

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on: October 22, 2022, 01:09:01 AM
Cast of Wonders 511: Wind Settles in the Bones

Also, Episode 521! A Staff Pick for 2022! Hosted by Associate Editor Ryn Yee!

• Author: Stephen Granade
• Narrator: Miyuki Jane Pinckard
• Host, Episode 521: Ryn Yee
• Host, Episode 511: Valerie Valdes
• Audio Producer: Jeremy Carter

"Wind Settles in the Bones" is a Cast of Wonders original.

Click here to listen to Episode 521
Click here to listen to Episode 511

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Syn hated pre-race press conferences. Instead of mentally preparing for competition, she had to smile and answer every media outlet’s repetitive questions. Timm Yancy with One AU especially frustrated her. He unfailingly asked inane human-interest questions like “what did you have for breakfast this morning?” (a magnetocarbonate shake so she could sense magnetic fields, followed by protein-rich cricket bars for the nausea, same as every race day) and “is that a new haircut?” (as if it would be seen under her spacesuit helmet). But Syn hadn’t become the third-ranked solar wind racer by putting off unpleasant tasks, so she called on him first. And that was how Syn learned that her dad had died.

Tags:  Athletes, bereavement, competition, family, Jeremy Carter, Miyuki Jane Pinckard, racing, Ryn Yee, solar system, space, sport, Stephen Granade, Valerie Valdes, young adult fiction
« Last Edit: January 01, 2023, 04:41:03 AM by Languorous Lass »