Hi folks -- we're almost ready for the semi-finals! The voting for Round 1, Group 12, will close on December 2, and the semi-final round will open on the following day (December 3).
There will be four groups of semi-finalists, with either nine or ten stories in each (depending on how many semi-finalists are selected from Group 12). All four groups will be posted at the same time.. Once again, the stories for each group will be randomly selected by computer, to minimize the possibility that the same stories will be competing against each other this go-round.
As in Round 1, you'll be asked to pick your three favorites from each group. Voting will remain open for ten days, to give you plenty of time to make those tough decisions.
The winners from the semi-final round will move on to the final round, which should open within a day or so of the closure of the semi-finals. (More on that round as it gets closer.) Just to remind you: the top three stories from the final round will be the big winners. Cast of Wonders will purchase those stories, and they'll be run as a podcast episode. So your comments and votes become more and more important as the contest moves on!
Thanks to the authors whose stories didn't make it to the semi-finals. We know you worked hard on your stories, and we appreciate your participation in the contest. We hope that the comments you received on your own stories were helpful, and that you continue to vote and comment on the stories that make it to the next couple of rounds. That community spirit is what CoW is all about.
And please keep writing and submitting your work to us!