
I am new to this forum, and just found out Escape Artist was on the web while talking to writers at ConFusion 2019 in Michigan. It is definitely worth the monthly subscription!
I wanted to express my appreciation that such high quality audio podcasts in SF and Fantasy and Horror and YA exist in such a convenient format and location. =D
I am enjoying all the narrators, and particularly the intros and afterword commentary by Alasdair Stuart.
So far I have listened to PseudoPod Ep544: "Under the Rubble" by John Wiswell, PodCastle Ep396 "Dead Merchandise" by Ferrett Steinmetz, and PodCastle Ep386 "Ghostly Interludes." They were all brilliant. I can't wait to share this site with my fellow commuters.
Sincere thanks to the staff and contributors to Escape Artist, keep up the excellent collaborations. =D
~Shell S.
"I always strive, when I can, to spread sweetness and light. There have been several complaints about it." ~P.G. Wodehouse