This isn't going to surprise anyone, I suppose, but I loved Crescent. The science of it--or lack thereof--didn't bother me for whatever reason. It was "haunted-house" storytelling, but it worked for me. Russell does have a point about that--the setting was somewhat irrelevant, but I liked the story, the narrative voice, and the pacing. The spacestation setting could have been a large resort complex and the same story could have been told; but, that didn't hurt the story for me. Many stories could have locations moved and still work well. Also, I love Phil's voice, which helps tremendously on almost any podcast (voice can literally make or break a 'cast for me, completely independant of the content). I often focus on things that it seems others don't notice or care about much in audio, so my listening tastes can be pretty divergent from what most poeple would expect if they looked at my taste in books. There was one 'cast mentioned on EP a while ago that I *should* have loved, but I got through about 5 episodes (on shee will) and haven't listened since.
I was thrilled when I saw this on, and have listened to all of it, even though I'd already listened to the first 7 before. It actually reminded me I wanted to listen to Crescent again, which I did on my flight last week. This was possibly a bad idea.