"Cup and Table" was an amazing story and I'm glad to come back to posting in the forums after so long away. (Granted, I usually only post when I have something to say and -about this tale- that's the case.)
I think that what makes this story so strong isn't just that it's about the Grail but that it deals with epic-scope events in a well-paced manner without feeling short-changed. Additionally, the cast of characters is simply amazing. These are a group of diverse individuals I could see as well as hear: that's impressive for a spoken-word story!
I know that some folk have voiced their disatisfaction with the ending, but -for me- that's one of the high points. I enjoy not putting words in God's mouth and leaving it up to the reader to think about things. After all, the story isn't about answers: it's about the Quest to find them. Having God sum up the meaning of life, the Universe, and everything in any answer other than "42" would seem cheap and like tawdry prosthletyzing. By focusing on the journey and not the destination, the author lets the reader come to personal conclusions that last long after the story ends.
For me, at least, that's the hallmark of brilliant writing: to linger in the reader's mind.
Well done!
Sylvan (Dave)