If EscapePod *isn't* a magazine, then perhaps you can explain to me why the EscapePod webpage tagline is "The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine".
I can also rebut your latest round of assertions, if you'd like me to, but first you'll need to clarify what this sentence means, because I don't understand it, or how it relates to your argument though I get the sense it's important to your point: "EP is not mixed media, voice, the rest is associated content from the forums."
That's a good question, maybe you could ask whomever wrote that? I would guess that "Science Fiction Podcast Magazine" is meant to convey that EP is a Podcast featuring Science Fiction stories that are not related by author or world. And like Wintermute so eloquently pointed out taglines are taglines, not definitions or classifications. No moderating authority, such as those who run the Hugos, have designated EP a magazine.
"EP is not mixed media, voice, the rest is associated content from the forums."
Should read:
"EP is not mixed media, just voice, the rest (all the text, photos, etc) is associated content from the forums."
What I meant is:
One of the definitions of magazine is the use of multiple medias (such as text from professional and amateur writers and pictures/art). Escape pod only uses voice (much like books only use text).
I'm really just not interested in having an argument over this. My comment was not malicious, or inflammatory.
Although Science Fiction may be what you point at when you say it, magazines do seem to have a definition. I don't believe that Escape Pod qualifies as a "magazine" unless you include all the podcasts and/or the forums. You are welcome to "rebut" my assertions, but please tell me how you define a magazine so I can understand where you're coming from.