Author Topic: Sooo... this is what I just got back from doing. With bonus picture goodness.  (Read 17643 times)


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#1) one of these people is a renowned fantasy/comic book writer, the other is a chubby internet-dwelling fangirl. CAN YOU TELL WHICH IS WHICH?? its tough, I know.

#2) with bonus footage of my cat, who decided to jump up in the way.

Bonus info, from the talk tonight.. "Death: The High Cost of Living" is still in talks for a movie deal, apparently, and Gaiman expressed interest in directing it if it finally does come about. He said he spent a month shadowing Guillermo del Toro on the set of 'Hellboy 2" to get a feel for the process.

also, he discussed a sandman story idea he changed his mind about doing.. he was going to have the whole storyline told from the point of view of a fetus, the fetus's dreams of what it could be.. but at the end have it not live to be born.

He decided against it, he said, because he didnt want it shown to "a 15 year old girl in Arkansas who just got raped by her uncle as an excuse as to why she wasn't having an abortion." generating much applause amongst the audience.

It kinda made me think.. that would be a really fantastic storyline. There are so many great stories that are just untellable because the subject matter is too inflammatory. Its kind of sad, really, that our prejudices keep these stories from being told. Interesting to think about, though, I think.

Anyway, other commentary.. I was surprised.. after 2 straight hours of signing, he was still quite chatty, friendly and accomidating to all signees. Just really came off as a swell fellow. Unfortunately, I could think of nothing to say (better off for me I suppose, I tend to make a gigantic ass of myself in front of my literary idols..) so our entire exchange was "Hello!" "hello." "Much obliged! Goodnight!" '"thanks for waiting!"


  • Hipparch
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(better off for me I suppose, I tend to make a gigantic ass of myself in front of my literary idols..)

i'm impressed that you've met your literary idols.


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A few. Not all. Annd.. yes they're all still alive, which probably makes me some sort of fool, but that's ok :p


  • Actually has enough cowbell.
  • Hipparch
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I was at a Gaiman reading/signing in Seattle back in 2001 (I think) when he was touring in support of American Gods.  He is incredibly gracious and charming, though I only passed a few mundane words with him as he signed my merch.

Apart from that, I had dinner with C.J. Cherryh and Jane Fancher; I think that was in 2005 at a con.  They're great fun to hang with.

"Nerdcore is like playing Halo while getting a blow-job from Hello Kitty."
-- some guy interviewed in Nerdcore Rising


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I saw Gaiman read/sign bits of Anansi Boys a few years ago - probably 2006. His reading was preceded by an introduction/interview by John Hodgman; at the time, I had no idea who Hodgman was, but I remember thinking he was very funny.


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hehe, speaking of John Hodgman, Im reading his "more information than you require" right now, it is absolutely bizarre and hilarious. Who knew the PC guy was so awesome.


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hehe, speaking of John Hodgman, Im reading his "more information than you require" right now, it is absolutely bizarre and hilarious. Who knew the PC guy was so awesome.

I have "The Areas of my Expertiese", his first book, both as a paperback and as an audiobook. It's well worth getting in both formats, as the book contains tables and figures that don't translate well to audio, while the reading is hilarious and contains extra songs and such. I'm expecting "More Information than you require" to be an equally good buy in both formats, but it's not out in England yet.


  • Bill Peters, EP Assistant
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hehe, speaking of John Hodgman, Im reading his "more information than you require" right now, it is absolutely bizarre and hilarious. Who knew the PC guy was so awesome.

I have "The Areas of my Expertiese", his first book, both as a paperback and as an audiobook. It's well worth getting in both formats, as the book contains tables and figures that don't translate well to audio, while the reading is hilarious and contains extra songs and such. I'm expecting "More Information than you require" to be an equally good buy in both formats, but it's not out in England yet.

To get all triangular, the guy Hodgeman is singing with is Jonathan Coulton.

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I Twitter. I also occasionally blog on the Escape Pod blog, which if you're here you shouldn't have much trouble finding.


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Jonathan Coulton is playing a gig 11/22 in Nyack, NY and I can't go. I'm pissed.


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Please consider the following:
<a href=";hl=en&amp;fs=1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">;hl=en&amp;fs=1</a>

Oh - thanks for that - I saw this before but not in nearly as good quality, nor from the beginning of the song.

But, and here's the really aggravating part - I was there that evening. In that very show (so was Cuddlebug). And we knew that Gaiman was coming since he hinted it in his blog. And we had to leave about 5 minutes before he showed up because otherwise we would have missed our train.

Or so we thought. Turns out the train was late by 15 minutes.


  • Guest
Please, please, please, don't take this in any manner that could be offensive!  I am legitimately curious.

Why does getting someone's autograph appeal to people?  I can understand meeting someone, though there are very few people I'd go out of my way to meet.  If I thought about it, I could probably name someone...  Nope, not right now.


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Honestly? for me, its just a reminder of a cool event. Every time I look at that book, I'll remember this awesome opportunity I had, and smile.

Somewhat like picking up a souvenir on vacation. Its about the memories associated with it.


  • Guest
Thanks, I get that part of it.

I guess your situation isn't a good example of my question.  I've seen people walk up to get an autograph and not even realy talk to the person.  Eh, guess I'm just wired differently.


  • Bill Peters, EP Assistant
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Honestly? for me, its just a reminder of a cool event. Every time I look at that book, I'll remember this awesome opportunity I had, and smile.

Somewhat like picking up a souvenir on vacation. Its about the memories associated with it.

I've always seen it as a show of appreciation for the author — you've liked the book enough that you've gone out of your way to get them to sign it.

I Twitter. I also occasionally blog on the Escape Pod blog, which if you're here you shouldn't have much trouble finding.


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yeah its a bit of a combination of both.

As for saying stuff, I honestly didnt say too much to Mr. Gaiman, because as previously mentioned, I make an ass of myself too often, and I didn't want to risk that with someone I admire so much. I kind of regret not being able to think of anything to say, now, but its OK.


  • Guest
Honestly? for me, its just a reminder of a cool event. Every time I look at that book, I'll remember this awesome opportunity I had, and smile.

Somewhat like picking up a souvenir on vacation. Its about the memories associated with it.

I've always seen it as a show of appreciation for the author — you've liked the book enough that you've gone out of your way to get them to sign it.

Thanks.  I guess that goes for actors and athletes, too?


  • Actually has enough cowbell.
  • Hipparch
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Jonathan Coulton is playing a gig 11/22 in Nyack, NY and I can't go. I'm pissed.

George Hrab plays over a hundred shows a year and I can't go to any of them.  I'm not happy about that, but I get over it somehow.

"Nerdcore is like playing Halo while getting a blow-job from Hello Kitty."
-- some guy interviewed in Nerdcore Rising


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how is that? :P do you have THAT AMAZING Of a social life? :P if so, I am so envious :P


  • Actually has enough cowbell.
  • Hipparch
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    • Thetatr0n on SoundCloud
how is that? :P do you have THAT AMAZING Of a social life? :P if so, I am so envious :P

No, I don't have any kind of a social life unless you count internet forums such as this one.  It's just that I can't afford to fly to the other end of the continent to go to a concert. 

Even more accurately, I can't afford to fly to the other end of the continent.

"Nerdcore is like playing Halo while getting a blow-job from Hello Kitty."
-- some guy interviewed in Nerdcore Rising


  • Hipparch
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so i was listening to my favourite conversation podcast, you look nice today, when two all too familiar voices showed up unexpected & unannounced. yup, John Hodgman and Jonathan Coulton again.

these guys are constantly, insidiously, infiltrating all my media. together with Neil Gaiman, on the escape artists boards, the daily show, the show, geeky commercials across tv. maybe a cameo in the next discworld novel is in the works?


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Today, the media. Tommorow, the world.

Hodgman/Coulton, 2012.


  • Giddy
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I get it- the "geekgirl" moment. I've had one of my Kim Harrison books signed- and it wasn't exactly for the signiture- more so I could see one of my writing idols up close and personal. She's a quirky and friendly lady. I'm hoping to eventually get to a Gaiman signing also- again if only to see one of my idols up close, to hear the voice in person. 

Thanks for sharing your moment. :)

Oh, great and mighty Alasdair, Orator Maleficent, He of the Silvered Tongue, guide this humble fangirl past jumping up and down and squeeing upon hearing the greatness of Thy voice.
Oh mighty Mur the Magnificent. I am not worthy.