I have been working for a great many years now
Trying so hard to find different ideas
Just when I think I've discovered a cash-cow
Turns out it's been a well-known novel for years!
The story about the time-traveller failed
As did the one about a near-human robot
A guy who wasn't rescued and the destruction he trailed
Became a well known Science Fiction plot!
The idea about fearsome aliens who died of the flu
A disease that turns people to interlinked goo
Our reality is a computer simulation
That one about twins with telepathic communication
What about plants that take over England
What about aliens who cannot understand
How about an evil ring that makes you turn bad
What about a robot that is always sad
What if the Germans had won World War Two
What if the books were all burned?
What if the cities could rise above you?
What happened to the money I could have earned?
So instead I sit here staring at my computer
Not daring to think of ideas brilliant and new
Due to the fact that I don't need a tutor
To know that I'll never have an original debut.
Where did all the ideas go?
This all stems from an experience I had in my childhood, where I came up with a brilliant idea (and I've sent this to myself, so it is a copyrighted novel plot). People had retreated into the earth, living underground, civilised and human. Millions of years later, another human race evolved on the surface and began to attack the civilised ones, forcing them to return to the surface and relearn the art of war.
The next day I read the Time Traveller and decided that maybe I needed to ground myself in the classics before I do any original SF writing.
IDK though, looking back my idea may still be workable, if I make it a virus rather than a race of savages that forces the metaphorical descision to face the real world (i.e. the surface) rather than withdrawing into a fantasy world (i.e. the perfect, controlled, below ground environment. ) What do you think, Zathras?