I originally thought to wait for Mr. Eley to make an announcement, but as I glean from other postings that he will be gone for a week, I decided to throw in two more of my cents now.
I'll be the naysayer:
On deeper introspection, I think you're probably right.
I concur.
My interpretation of you comments is that the idea is to replicate the contest. That was never explicitly said anywhere
(or hinted IMHO), and I think it is a wholly incorrect assumption.
The purpose of a one-of contest, and how it is run, is not the same as a regularly re-occurring event. I certainly didn't believe that we'd carbon copy the setup, rules, voting etc, of the "300 Word Flash Fiction Contest!" - for all the previously mentioned reasons and more. And I say "we" because I suspect that such a thing would have be admin'd by one or two main volunteers from what I call the "Escape Artist community".
Maybe there is no need for something like this - maybe there are 100s of these things elsewhere on the web. Even still, it doesn't mean we can't start a new one here anyway. At this point, it can be anything - bi-monthy, weekly, semi-annually, 50 words, 500 words, 3000 words, horror-based, fantasy-based, must use the word "persimmon".
I have been hesitant to start making pronouncements about what it should be like, how it would be run, etc., only because I am just a visitor to this site. I'd be happy to be involved in discussion and execution of whatever it is that this turns into.
I'm only speaking out now because I'd hate the idea to die before it even had a chance to breathe. I do think that time is running out though, a quick look at the stats shows the overall forum viewership declining...