What is happening: various personal problems on which I am not at liberty to elaborate. They will either be divulged to the public at a later time or not. No one has a further explanation for you at this time. Do whatever you think is best.
What is being done: extensive hiring and restructuring, most of which is long overdue, and which is time consuming to implement -- especially with nearly every one of us living in a different state of the union or even nation of the world. However, it is nonetheless well underway, and it will most assuredly result in Escape Pod and PodCastle returning to robust scheduling and the high-quality free programming to which you've grown accustomed. But it will not do so instantaneously. My guess (and for many reasons beyond the scope of this post, this can only be a guess) is that you will see a more reliable release schedule be resumed by Escape Pod and PodCastle by April.
Thanks very much for your inquiries, and any forgiveness you can muster. I'll conclude with some general advice -- if you want to email someone a question about shows not being posted, and you're not hearing from the one failing to post them, you might have more luck if you try someone who's still posting some. In this particular case, it turns out that you can do no better than the new CEO of the company: editor @ pseudopod.org -- that's me, at your service.