Where are the stories?
Maybe an update will help. So far we have only received submissions from one person, (not counting the story that Zathras will choose of mine). So those three stories are all in the top ten. That's good for the sole contributor, but bad for competition.
Maybe this is just how contests go: everyone holds on until the end. Or maybe we need to sweeten the pot a bit. The current prize package includes a free CD of your choice from
poddisc.com. That would be a collection of episodes from EscapePod, Pseudopod, PodCastle, Drabblecast, or others. Now to me that should be enough. Zorag (Zathras) is very generous to offer that prize.
But wait..There's more!
I have been in touch with the editors of the Escape Artists podcasts, and have received the OK from two of them that the winning story will be read on the podcast of its corresponding genre (Fantasy story read on PodCastle, horror on Pseudopod, etc.) I am just waiting for confirmation from EscapePod, but I suspect that will be fine for that as well. How cool would that be? Your micro-fiction will be read on one of your favorite podcasts! But...it can't happen if you don't submit. And you only have 7 days left.
And I'm sorry if I turned people away by stating my biases. I just thought I'd be helpful and help level the field for those that didn't know my preferences. Hey, if you've got a sexbot story or a slasher packed into 140 characters or less, send it along. At this point we just need to fill up the top ten.