Not to be a curmudgeon about this whole PLZ A NEW TITLE, YA RLY thing but......
shouldn't it be (a bit like how anyone who wants to be elected to power is just the sort of person who should never be given any) that, if one is impatient enough to demand some sort of fancy shmancy new title it should then be forever more denied?
[like in that He-Man episode where he finds this Orb Of Wonderous Power, which he completely fails to use in any useful way incidentally, until that weird eagle lady turns up and takes it away and the "moral" of the story is that the best thing he can do is just sit on his ass and not use this or any other Orbs Of Wonderous Power, as it was all just a big test of how 'noble' he could be. Like WHAT THE FRAK SORT OF MORAL IS THAT TO TELL KIDS - JUST DO NOTHING WHEN MAGICAL TRINKETS DROP IN YOUR LAP?!? No wonder we have voter apathy.]
Ahem, so....yeah: Asking for new names would be like being an impulsive He-Man misusing magical orbs, thus making a strange eagle-lady/EscapePod-moderator angry. So you'll not find *me* asking for any sort of title-upgrade. I learned my lesson from that cartoon all those years ago.
This made more sense in my head.