Author Topic: ZARGA V: The Radio Star Strikes Back  (Read 12694 times)


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on: May 28, 2009, 03:12:18 PM
Video may have killed the Radio Star, but podcasting has resurrected it!

I'm delighted to announce ZARGA V:  The Radio Star Strikes Back.

What are the details?  They are still being worked out.  However, I wanted to give everyone a chance to get started.

The contest:

Write a 30 second script for a promo for one of the Escape Artist podcasts.  Each script should be about 100 words long and include the URL for the appropriate podcast (,,

The judging:

Still being worked out.  I need 2 volunteers to help me screen the entries.  I am going to screen the Pseudopod entries, and will need one person for both of the other podcasts.  Screening will consist of verifying that the script meets the requirements and forwarding the script anonymously on to the next round of judging.  Screeners will not be looking for quality.  If a script doesn't meet the requirements, it will be returned to the author with an explanation of why it was returned.

Round 1 of actual judging has not been determined yet.  It will narrow the field to 3 scripts for each podcast.

Final judging will be done by the editors of the podcasts.

The prizes:

Still working on this, but the winners will have their promos recorded.  Again, I will be offering prizes from

Deadlines will be posted later.  Ask all your questions in this thread, and we'll get the details hammered out.


  • Guest
Reply #1 on: May 29, 2009, 11:26:32 AM

Looking for finished promos.  If you have a script but can't record it, I'm sure we can get you help from the forums.

Submission deadline:  July 15
Finalists announced on forums:  Aug 15
Winners podcasted:  September sometime


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Reply #2 on: May 29, 2009, 11:59:17 AM
Update #2.  The 3 winners will have offers for a one shot paying gig from me.


  • Guest
Reply #3 on: May 29, 2009, 02:43:02 PM
Here's an example:

<Music plays, similar to that from a jewelry box>
<Friendly voice>  Do you like ribbons and kittens and cute little cartoon characters?
<Sound of jewelry box being destroyed>
<Darker music with a heavy bass line starts>
<Same person.  Evil, loud, harsh voice>  Then you've come to the wrong place, Tinkerbell!
<Same person, aggressive voice still, but not yelling>  Pseudopod is the weekly horror podcast.  We bring you stories from the strange to the disturbing to the downright bone chilling, cry for your mommy, don't turn off the lights horrific.
<pause>Come see us on the web at
<back to aggressively evil>And leave your fairy dust at home.

I just did that one off the top of my head, and I didn't time it.  I put this up here to show how little is actually needed to be put in a promo.

Ben Phillips

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Reply #4 on: May 29, 2009, 02:54:59 PM
Here's a silly one I did ages ago, chopped clumsily off at the knees to be 30 seconds long:

It's an OGG, though, so if your software can't read it IT SUCKS I mean that concerns me deeply and perhaps someone can convert it for you.


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Reply #5 on: May 30, 2009, 07:26:58 PM
Is it the name?  I can change the name.


  • Pseudopod Tiger
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Reply #6 on: June 03, 2009, 07:42:07 PM
ooOOOh! i think i can do this, i duno tho... i'll try :P

I'd like to hear my options, so I could weigh them, what do you say?
Five pounds?  Six pounds? Seven pounds?


  • Guest
Reply #7 on: June 13, 2009, 08:59:11 PM
Can any of the editors/hosts/ninjaterns provide some direction for this?

Tag lines, catch phrases, other key points to highlight? 

I'm starting work on mine tonight.


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Reply #8 on: June 30, 2009, 10:15:19 PM
Canceled due to lack of interest.

Ben Phillips

  • Lich King
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    • Pseudopod
Reply #9 on: July 07, 2009, 11:00:29 AM
Can any of the editors/hosts/ninjaterns provide some direction for this?

Tag lines, catch phrases, other key points to highlight? 

If we were better salespeople, we probably would have produced more promos ourselves!  This was the main stuff I was hoping someone would give US.

Canceled due to lack of interest.
