Author Topic: EP Flash: One Trick Dog  (Read 22398 times)

Russell Nash

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Reply #25 on: June 24, 2009, 08:00:17 AM
Seems to me it wound be likely that the dog was probably loaded with blanks, or the equivalent.  The guy might have soiled himself, but would likely survive.  Somehow I doubt that military surplus would still have live ammo or lethal systems. :ohopefully

The natural form of a dog is a lethal weapon.  I sometimes think about this when I'm playing with my dog and my hand is in her mouth.  Some part of my hind-brain should be screaming its head off at that. 

A kid stuck his finger in my dog's eye the other day.  She snapped at him.  He didn't move his hand at all and she took the whole thing into her mouth.  Thankfully the natural state of my dog is "full safeties on".  She left the kid standing there with his hand soaking wet and still in the same position, but totally unmarked.  His mother complimented me on my dog, and then told the kid he was lucky he still had a hand.

If I had "turned safeties off", the kid would have been a bleeding mess on the ground.  My dog doesn't have any "live ammo".  She doesn't need it.  She's a direct descendant of one of nature's great killing machines. 

If the dog in the story was an accurate replication of a dog, it's very existence is lethal.


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Reply #26 on: June 25, 2009, 12:39:26 AM
Makes sense; canine nature does seem to be overlooked by most people.  I hadn't been thinking of the hazards inherent from the base model.  :-[

I'll just go back to being silent again now.

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Reply #27 on: June 25, 2009, 06:29:43 AM
Seems to me it wound be likely that the dog was probably loaded with blanks, or the equivalent.  The guy might have soiled himself, but would likely survive.  Somehow I doubt that military surplus would still have live ammo or lethal systems. :ohopefully

The natural form of a dog is a lethal weapon.  I sometimes think about this when I'm playing with my dog and my hand is in her mouth.  Some part of my hind-brain should be screaming its head off at that. 

A kid stuck his finger in my dog's eye the other day.  She snapped at him.  He didn't move his hand at all and she took the whole thing into her mouth.  Thankfully the natural state of my dog is "full safeties on".  She left the kid standing there with his hand soaking wet and still in the same position, but totally unmarked.  His mother complimented me on my dog, and then told the kid he was lucky he still had a hand.

If I had "turned safeties off", the kid would have been a bleeding mess on the ground.  My dog doesn't have any "live ammo".  She doesn't need it.  She's a direct descendant of one of nature's great killing machines. 

If the dog in the story was an accurate replication of a dog, it's very existence is lethal.

Russel I think your completely right. I also have a dog and I know how dangerous a dog can be. Although Like you were explaining about your dog, id imagine that they would set the programming setting to non-lethal interaction or something like that. But then i consider that he seems to be a veteran of some kind, and maybe he simply got to keep his dog, just the way it was.

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Reply #28 on: July 01, 2009, 01:44:18 PM
Heh. Though I'm wondering what stopped the old guy from just saying "excuse me, you're blocking my path" rather than engage in conversation with the moron.

Word count and story flow.  Having read/listen to 2 minutes of "can I get past?" "oh, no, wait.  Let me tell you about my dog" "but I really just need to get home" "but this is so cool!  Watch!"  would kinda kill the story.  The author did an awesome job of showing the guy was a jerk without making us all re-live our worst "why won't this guy shut up" moment.


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Reply #29 on: July 03, 2009, 08:55:55 AM
We have all played rude, immature jokes on people we knew and thought could handle it.

Um, no we haven't all.  I hate playing jokes on people, especially rude and immature.  I despise the show Punk'd and anything remotely like it, and movies with similar themes or action.  I can't stand the Marx Brothers, or Laurel & Hardy,...

I fail to see the relevance of the Marx Brothers (or Laurel and Hardy) to the likes of Punk'd or Candid Camera.  I'm a hardcore Marx fan and can't recall any actual pranks from any of their movies that I've seen.

I don't like slapstick either, and should have said so.  You're right, they weren't really relevant.

Carry on.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2009, 09:10:20 AM by izzardfan »


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Reply #30 on: July 05, 2009, 01:43:28 PM
I fail to see the relevance of the Marx Brothers (or Laurel and Hardy) to the likes of Punk'd or Candid Camera.  I'm a hardcore Marx fan and can't recall any actual pranks from any of their movies that I've seen.

I don't like slapstick either, and should have said so.  You're right, they weren't really relevant.

At risk of continuing off-topic discussion, I'm a fan of the Marx Bros. because they're mostly not slapstick.  Harpo's antics aside, the main attraction for me is Groucho's general wiseacring, and Chico acting the fool.

For another data point, I haven't liked The Three Stooges -- archetypal slapstick -- since I was a small child.

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Reply #31 on: July 05, 2009, 09:09:04 PM
At risk of continuing off-topic discussion, I'm a fan of the Marx Bros. because they're mostly not slapstick.  Harpo's antics aside, the main attraction for me is Groucho's general wiseacring, and Chico acting the fool.

For another data point, I haven't liked The Three Stooges -- archetypal slapstick -- since I was a small child.

Well, whatever you call them, I don't like (I won't say hate, but it's close) the Marx Brothers, Laurel & Hardy, the Three Stooges, Charlie Chaplin, Little Rascals, the Keystone Cops...  I could go on.  It's not the black & white, it's not that they're old.  It's that I don't find any of it funny in the least, to the point of being painful for me to watch.

I think we're done.  I know I am.  But feel free to continue if you must.


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Reply #32 on: January 25, 2010, 07:13:18 PM
I liked this one, not because I would do the same thing in that situation, but because I know some part of my mind would want to do that.  I liked the comparison of realism vs. intentional artificial looks, and practicality vs. fun tricks.  I'm not going to say that the other guy deserved what's coming, any more than drivers who cut me off in traffic actually deserves to die (despite my curses as I'm driving), but for a fictional story it's satisfying anyway.