Author Topic: Pseudopod 001: Bag Man  (Read 14140 times)


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on: August 31, 2009, 10:21:03 PM
Pseudopod 001: Bag Man

By Scott Sigler

Read by Ben Phillips

I swallowed. I didn’t want this to happen. I knew the game. Bag Man always called the cops and gave them a code. He gave that same code to the victim. Even after two years of killings, the fucking cranks were still calling 9-1-1, claiming the Bag Man had called them and that they needed protection. His codes solved that problem. He was a damn courteous kid.

Thing was, the codes became more of a warning to the cops than a way to separate out the sick, attention-starved loonies. The cops wanted to confirm Bag Man’s targets — not so they could stop him, but so they could stay the hell out of his way.

Listen to this week's Pseudopod.

I'd like to hear my options, so I could weigh them, what do you say?
Five pounds?  Six pounds? Seven pounds?


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Reply #1 on: September 01, 2009, 12:18:43 AM
This was a great start to the 'cast.  The only other Sigler I've heard is the Jurassic Park-ripoff Ancestor  ;), but I thought this story was a winner.

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Boggled Coriander

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Reply #2 on: September 01, 2009, 12:43:03 AM
I agree.  When I started listening to Pseudopod I started from the beginning, and this was a great story to begin with.

I like how we get the impression the narrator is a sleazy dirtbag long before we actually hear what the Bad Thing He Did was.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 03:49:54 AM by Boggled Coriander »

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Reply #3 on: September 01, 2009, 04:06:43 AM
I remember listening to this story in an airplane. I felt like I was wired to my seat - unable to move or do anything else but find out WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Great story by Scott (one of his best, IMO) and a great reading by Ben.

Not sure PP could have started out any better than this.

Russell Nash

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Reply #4 on: September 01, 2009, 08:05:58 AM
Yup, it was really a strong way to start the cast.  A good old freak out story.

Jason M

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Reply #5 on: September 01, 2009, 12:30:52 PM
This story really called out to me.


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Reply #6 on: September 01, 2009, 04:52:14 PM
I really enjoyed this one, a great start to the cast.  I don't remember reading anything else by Sigler to date, but I'll be watching out for the name now.

I like how the ghost wasn't just out for mindless revenge against his attacker, nor just randomly attacking people he comes across (like a revenant).  He was very systematic and logical about how he wanted to do his work, which made him feel very unique.

I like the supernatural time limit and I'm glad it didn't end up being really stupid like The Ring (but that's another rant for another day). 

And I thought it was cool how he keeps on going, working his way through lesser criminals.  Where will he stop?  If he could work fast enough, he'd be down to shoplifters and tellers of white lies, and then there would be nobody left. 

The one thing that lifted me out of my listener's trance was the claim that he'd killed all of the murderers--is he anchored to just the one city?  Why not roam further afield?  He's already shown by showing up on the airplane that he's not locally anchored, so why not?


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Reply #7 on: September 02, 2009, 03:06:53 AM
This is still one of my favorite Pseudopods of all time.


Ben Phillips

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Reply #8 on: September 02, 2009, 05:21:44 AM
The one thing that lifted me out of my listener's trance was the claim that he'd killed all of the murderers--is he anchored to just the one city?  Why not roam further afield?  He's already shown by showing up on the airplane that he's not locally anchored, so why not?

Maybe he's like Batman, staking out one certain city for reasons of his own.  If only these vigilantes would coordinate more they'd certainly track down more criminals, analyzing international money trails and the like.  I'm guessing the biggest obstacle is that even the Justice League can't come up with sexy costumes for overweight data analysts and database admins.


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Reply #9 on: September 02, 2009, 06:35:12 AM
I'm guessing the biggest obstacle is that even the Justice League can't come up with sexy costumes for overweight data analysts and database admins.



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Reply #10 on: September 02, 2009, 03:06:39 PM
I'm guessing the biggest obstacle is that even the Justice League can't come up with sexy costumes for overweight data analysts and database admins.

Not looking sexy never stopped Arthur (of The Tick).  :P


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Reply #11 on: September 18, 2009, 06:36:48 AM
Woah, great story. And there was no reprieve. None at all.

Excellent stuff.