Author Topic: EP003: Three Wish Habit  (Read 6344 times)

Russell Nash

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on: September 15, 2009, 08:11:23 AM
EP003: Three Wish Habit

By Janni Lee Simner.
Read by Jonathon Sullivan.

The man opens his hand, the one that’s been in his pocket all this time. A shiny brass bottle lies there, small in his large palm. A band of flowery, unreadable lettering is etched just beneath the narrow neck. Otherwise the surface is flawless: no dents, no scratches, no dirt.

My hands tremble; my heart pounds so loud I have trouble thinking. That’s the real thing he’s holding, no doubt about it. He might still be a cop. But I flip into park, and roll the window down.

Rated PG. Contains some profanity, vehicular violence, and poor judgment.

Listen to this week’s Escape Pod!


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Reply #1 on: January 22, 2010, 05:21:57 PM
Very cool idea with the use of wishes as drugs.  Well-written too, but at the point when he blew his big wish I was cursing at him for being so stupid!  What was the big wish even used for?  Healing him, if I remember correctly...  If you're going to blow a big wish anyway, why not go to an extreme--instead of a one-time healing, ask for the long-term ability to heal wounds very rapidly.  Then he could just run from the cops and if he got shot a couple of times no big deal. 


  • Palmer
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Reply #2 on: December 07, 2020, 09:59:16 PM
Hello! I am on a quest to listen to all the EscapePod story episodes from start to finish, and I am creating a short-list of favourites as I go.

I'm listening to episodes in 100 story batches, and mentioning which of each 100 I enjoyed most on my blog as I go along.

This is the first story to go on to my short list!

It's a fun story, and I'm glad that it (and most other EscapePod episodes!) remains available for listening, years and years later.

A belated thanks and congratulations to the author and narrator!