Author Topic: Scott Sigler  (Read 7981 times)


  • Matross
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on: February 04, 2007, 08:06:10 PM
I really enjoy Scotts podcast, and can't wait for each new episode.  It's not just the story but the friendly community feel of his entire show. I still rate Earth Core as my favourite complete story, but I may be changing it to The Rookie when its finished.

Jonathan C. Gillespie

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Reply #1 on: February 07, 2007, 02:38:37 AM
I respect Scott and what he's trying to do, and I think he's a great guy, but I think the quality of the podcasts can swing wildly from week to week.  Also, I get tired of the non-stop, grating self-promotion.  It gets old after a while, like one of those radio DJ's so determined to be in your face that you switch the dial off to escape the sound of their voice.

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  • Matross
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Reply #2 on: February 07, 2007, 06:49:28 PM
siglers grate , if a bit in youre face
love infecshon

card carying dislexic and  gramatical revolushonery


  • Lochage
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Reply #3 on: February 08, 2007, 01:40:41 PM
i tried earthcore, didn't like it...
i tried infection, didn't like it...
i tried the rookie, was hooked... and I really don't know why...

normally sigler's attitude should really get on my nerves, but it doesn't. Even his selfpromotion seems funny to me.
And I don't care that much for football anyways (which has probably to do with me being European) but somehow the story really works well for me. *shrug*


  • Palmer
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Reply #4 on: February 09, 2007, 02:47:19 PM
I loved Earthcore... Really I did. Couldn't wait for the next episode.

Ancestor was cool, though I liked it less than Earthcore. It was still a great story, though.

I'm currently listening to Infection, but only when I have nothing else to listen to (which is rare nowadays). It progresses too slowly for me at times, and at others too fast.


  • Hipparch
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Reply #5 on: February 09, 2007, 06:10:37 PM
I'm currently listening to Infection, but only when I have nothing else to listen to (which is rare nowadays). It progresses too slowly for me at times, and at others too fast.

I got to read Infection in manuscript form, before it was podcast, because Sigler needed blurbs. 

I enjoyed it a hell of a lot -- much more than I expected to.  My quote on his Web site, about "Stephen King turned up to 11," was sincere.

ESCAPE POD - The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine


  • Palmer
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Reply #6 on: February 10, 2007, 12:05:11 AM
I personally Like his stories in this order (1 being best)


So far I am really getting into the The Rookie.

But He's got a good nack at the short stories I've seen Seem a pretty good quality.

Since it began, who have you killed? You wouldn't be alive now if you hadn't killed somebody.


  • Palmer
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Reply #7 on: February 10, 2007, 06:10:58 AM
I got a few episodes into Earthcore before I gave up. The SF elements weren't evident enough for me. There were too many characters and the story didn't progress fast enough for me. I kept waiting for it to get to the good part. The characters didn't engage me enough to get through to where interesting things started happening, related to whatever lived in the mountain. And if I did ever get to the "good parts," I expect it'd be kind of like Jurassic Park: lots of screaming and people getting eaten until someone saves the day but not until half the characters die and everyone has learned their lesson. And that's fine, but action sequences (both in movies and books) generally leave me a little confused and bored.

Another thing which leaves me confused and bored is corporate politics (not the best word for what I'm trying to say, but I can't think of a better one), of which there seemed to be a lot. Some guy sold out some other guy so a third guy could build a mine, and some woman was upset because of archaeology, and some other woman went around torturing people. A lot of that seemed unnecessary, and really weighed the story down. Also, I thought the characters were defined more by their roles than their personalities. Like they were based more on stereotypes than actual people.

Sorry I'm so incoherent; I stopped listening months ago after about 4 episodes. If Earthcore was made into a movie I'd probably see it, but I just don't have the patience to read/listen to it.


  • Palmer
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Reply #8 on: February 19, 2007, 03:27:25 PM
I got to read Infection in manuscript form, before it was podcast, because Sigler needed blurbs. 

I enjoyed it a hell of a lot -- much more than I expected to.  My quote on his Web site, about "Stephen King turned up to 11," was sincere.
That explains some things to me :) I never really liked Stephen King stories. :)


  • Extern
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Reply #9 on: March 03, 2007, 06:37:48 AM
This reply can be a little bit of a cross between Scott Sigler and the recent debut of StrangerThings video podcast, because as most people here are probably aware they opened with Scott Sigler's short story Sacred Cow.

I am kind of a Johnny come late for dinner when it comes to listening to podcasters and specifically the writer podcasts specifically which has a great deal of family interplay, if incest wasn't illegal that is... but I picked up on PP October last year with "what are dead people supposed to do" and then EP soon after, and from there JC Hutchins and then Scott Sigler, I haven't been too disappointed by anything.  Scott is the shock jock radio DJ who has so much ego it spills over into plain humour, hearing him ranting and raving is admittedly to me something to laugh at... but he knows its funny and so it works.  But when it comes to his writings for me at least they do hook into you and keep you coming back... some weeks are 'weak' podcast wise, but as a whole the stories he writes do work and are good, even better than the usual fare the pulpy paperback action crowd is used to.  Its not literature, but it definitely is entertaining, you do want to finish his stories.  I too fall into the 'Sports?!?!?  Why Would I listen to a SPORTS Story?!?!?' but I listen to The Rookie with rapt fascination.

Recently (earlier today for me actually) debut with Sacred Cow by Scott, and I have posted comments, emailed people and the sort giving thanks to everyone involved where I could.  Why?  Because the debut blew me away.  I listened to Sacred Cow via a link someone posted from the earlier posting of the 'Blodocast' he had of it, and it was pretty good, I saw the preview and I was impressed with the quality... watched the episode today and I have to say it floored me.  Podcasting and now Videocasting is still regarded amongst the larger populace (if they pay attention at all) as still pretty hobby oriented, and thus one can be a little forgiving when it comes to a podcast that sounds like someone using a $0.99 mic and ambient noises from the surrounding recording interfering with the content your listening to.  But there are those who bring up the bar quite a bit and it makes for a pretty good listen... but its not immediately noticable how good it is so much, only as compared to how BAD it could be.  Steve mentioned in one of the early episodes that the better the audio gets the less people really comment on it.  Good quality audio you don't notice, infact thats the beauty of it, if you don't notice the audio quality you've done your job well. 

This cannot be said for the visual... good quality visuals fight to be noticed, and bad visuals are also glaringly obvious.  So Earl and the Stranger Things group made something I expected to be seeing on TV, and given that I was somewhat expecting perhaps the hobby enthusiast quality of other video podcasts it was like I owned a television again all of the sudden.  It was like the people behind a well funded TV show made a video podcast... and yet I knew that no... there was a lot of talent there, and a great deal of it was volunteer and maybe made on a budget that wished they could afford the shoestring others claim to have as their budget.  But still it felt like honestly I was watching something wholly different... and then to have the story one by Scott Sigler, which was an interesting premise originally, be made into something that actually one-ups it and makes it even more interesting and accessible to people without really changing it impressed me.  No it knocked me over, HARD.  So Im telling people about it, heck if it was okay by strangerthings I would burn it on to DVDs and make sure lots of people got a copy... including a number of the libraries in the city I live in.  But strangerthings doesn't have the same CC license that PP & EP does which I understand, and I will respect... so instead I will point people to the site, and they can get to watch it that way...

Its always a good thing when there is a new venue for speculative fiction to find its stage, be it in print, audio, or video... not everything will work for video, just as not everything works for audio, but its a good thing that such a stage is there... and I hope there might be more people doing such good work, I dunno if it will be as good as StrangerThings, heck I worry that the debut was too good, a quality they might not be able to achieve again... but even if its a little less quality wise, but done with enthusiasm and passion for the material, it might be a good thing... Strangerthings with a Scott Sigler story has shown it can be done, and done well... and I am supporting that... and I hope many others do too...

Jaye Sunsurn
The Mind Fantastic
Vancouver BC

One Doesn't Demand Respect, One Earns It


  • Matross
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Reply #10 on: March 03, 2007, 08:13:17 PM
I have GOT to see this!